August 9, 1994

Cradled to Sleep by My Heart

Jesus speaks:        Trust Me My child as a child who crawls
                            into their mother’s arms. The child is not
                            afraid of being hurt. The baby is picked

                            up and then ceases to cry. Be as the baby
                            who is held and caressed by a loving
                            parent. The baby is totally at peace. They
                            know the touch of the parent. They totally

                            surrender into their arms.

                                There is no stiffening in their body, it
                            becomes a total release of self into the
                            arms of the loving mother.

                                Release child, total yielding into My
                            arms. I will tuck you forever in My
                            most Sacred Heart. My Heart is warm, My
                            Heart has the tender constant beat of

                            My love. This is your soothing balm, to
                            be cradled to sleep by the sound of
                            My beating Heart. You rest in Me in
                            total peace. Total surrender, total

                            letting go. Be as the baby at the breast.

                                I am the Good Shepherd, I know Mine
                            and they follow Me. I caress you so closely

                            in My Heart. My Mother places you so gently
                            in the very recesses of My Heart. Be at peace
                            My child.

                                This is peace, total surrender to God.

                            You constantly hear a soft beating of My Heart.
                            It is constantly lulling you to sleep. It never
                            stops, it is plugged into a source of undying

                            love. It never runs out, I am the almighty
                            God with a Heart on fire for love of you,
                            My precious one. Total surrender, total
                            yielding, total trust in the God who

                            died for you, Who gave His very life for love
                            of you.

                                I am the Good Shepherd, I fondle you in
                            My Heart. Total trust to Me. Be at such


                                I am He who ardently loves you, every
                            minute of the day. Come to Me My babies,
                            I call you to My loving Heart.

                                You need to have this total submission, a
                            total release of anything that holds you
                            back. Total trust in Me as a loving


                                Oh sweet one, surrender your all. Satan
                            constantly wants you to hold back. Release
                            yourselves into the recesses of My Heart. Be lost

                            in the fold of My love and be lulled to sleep
                            by the beats of My Heart.

                                I love you so much My sweet one. Never
                            hold back anything from Me.