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Monthly Archives: September 2009

Please take a few moments to watch this very disturbing report, breaking
the shocking news that the USCCB has been financially supporting
anti-Catholic, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual groups … with YOUR

For more information on the research behind this terrible news, visit
this website;

Please continue to support’s important mission to
spread these truths and keep our bishops honest! Your prayers and
financial support is appreciated. And, please email this video to your
friends and embed it in blogs and webpages!

God bless,

Michael Voris
~Senior Executive Producer,



Sept. 30

/Christian Newswire/ — Members of the Pro-Life Action
League and attorneys from the Thomas More Society
will attend the Human Relations Committee meeting
of the Chicago City Council TODAY at 9:00 AM
(Central) Wednesday, Sept. 30. The Committee is
considering an amendment to the Municipal Code to
prohibit picketing within 50 feet of any medical clinic.

These organizations strongly suspect this
amendment is aimed at preventing pro-life people
from praying and reaching out to clients of abortion
facilities with information on alternatives to abortion.

Pro-life activists routinely stand on the public sidewalk
at the entrances to abortion clinics in Chicago to offer
information to anyone seeking services at the abortion
clinics. The groups know of no incidents of
intimidation, harassment or threats as referred to in
the amendment introduced on Sept. 9 by Alderman Vi
Daley (43rd Ward).

A copy of the proposed amendment to the Chicago
Municipal Code is available upon request. Please call
or email Tom Ciesielka at 312-422-1333,


Ann Scheidler, Pro-Life Action League – 312-965-1030

Peter Breen, Thomas More Society – 630-544-4455

Tom Ciesielka, TC Public Relations – 312-422-1333


Sept. 30

/Christian Newswire/ — The 16,000-member Christian
Medical Association (CMA,, the
nation’s largest association of faith-based physicians,
today voiced support for the conscience-protecting
provisions in the "Empowering Patients First
," a
bill introduced by Rep. Tom Price (R-GA 6th). CMA
contended that the protections are needed to avoid a
potentially catastrophic loss of faith-based healthcare
on which millions of poor patients depend.

In a letter sent to Rep. Price today regarding the bill
(HR 3400), CMA CEO Dr. David Stevens noted, "The
Christian Medical Association is very concerned that
some in Congress and the White House appear to be
pursuing a conscience-hostile approach to healthcare
legislation, opposing amendment after amendment
that would provide solid–not rhetorically deceptive–
conscience protections.

"Lawmakers must realize that threatening or
minimizing conscience protections holds the potential
to create a catastrophic shortage of healthcare
access, especially for poor patients. Our national
polling (available online at
) reveals that 95 percent
of faith-based physicians are prepared to leave
medicine altogether rather than violate their
conscientiously held ethical convictions."

Dr. Stevens wrote, "As you know, President Obama
has announced plans to rescind the relatively new
federal provider conscience regulation, which also
provides for such a reporting mechanism. It is
imperative, therefore, to enact legislation that protects
conscience rights from the whims of any
administration that might minimize the opportunity to
address civil rights violations related to conscience."

Dr. Stevens thanked Rep. Price for recognizing the
need for strong, true and broad conscience

"The bill [Sec. 106 Part (d) of HR 3400] also provides a
critical component of conscience protections. Many
healthcare professionals encounter pressure to
violate ethical codes on many issues besides
abortion. HR 3400 addresses this reality by offering
appropriately broad conscientious protection ‘to
accommodate the conscientious objection of a
purchaser or an individual or institutional health care
provider when a procedure is contrary to the religious
beliefs or moral convictions of such purchaser or

In his letter, Dr. Stevens also noted the benefit of
designating the Office of Civil Rights at the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services as a
reporting outlet for healthcare professionals
experiencing discrimination for their conscientious
stance on ethical issues.

"Besides protecting any individual or institutional
health care entity from discrimination ‘on the basis
that the health care entity does not provide, pay for,
provide coverage of, or refer for abortions,’ the bill also
provides the crucial implementation avenue needed to
make such protection effective."

Heartbeat (TV series)

Image via Wikipedia


Sept. 30

/Christian Newswire/ — Heartbeat International is
proud to partner with Family Research Council and
other life-affirming pregnancy center networks in the
release of the groundbreaking joint services report, A
Passion to Serve, A Vision for Life.

"This report shines a light on the positive contributions
of pregnancy centers, maternity homes, adoption
agencies, and pregnancy help medical clinics," said
Heartbeat International President Peggy Hartshorn,
Ph.D. "These faith-based community organizations,
40,000 volunteers strong, brighten a woman’s future
with the support she needs to bring new life into the
world. This is one of the greatest volunteer service
movements in the history of our country."

"We are pleased that this report spotlights ten
Heartbeat International affiliates through stories that
demonstrate sacrificial acts of love and service. These
frontline lifesavers are strengthening their
communities one heart at a time," said Hartshorn.

This combined services report, available at
, traces the history of
concern and care for pregnant women in this country.
It presents in detail, through statistical summaries,
case studies and client stories, the extraordinary
social service contributions made by pregnancy
resource centers, detailing how centers are meeting
the needs of women, youth and families.

Executive director of one of the spotlighted Heartbeat
affiliates, Vivian Koob said, "The clients served by
Elizabeth’s New Life Center are overwhelmingly
young, unmarried, impoverished, under educated, and
minority. Elizabeth’s New Life Center offers emotional
support, medical information, spiritual direction,
educational classes, material assistance, prenatal
care, and mentoring at no cost to the client."

A picture of my wife

Image via Wikipedia

A former client whose poignant story in the report
showcases one of Heartbeat’s Oklahoma affiliates,
Kendra Howerton said, "If it weren’t for Stillwater Life
Services, I honestly do not know where I would be
today. The staff, board, and volunteers at this
pregnancy center invested a great deal into my and my
family’s lives. The results of their investments are

The report also includes endorsements from public
figures such as U.S. Rep. Daniel Lipinski (D-IL) who
said: "The success rates and national expansion of
these pregnancy care centers are a testament to their
invaluable work in the lives of communities and
individuals over the years. These networks provide
services that are often unavailable elsewhere to
expectant mothers."

According to Hartshorn, "The pregnancy resource
movement is dedicated to empowering women with
life-affirming alternatives so abortion is unwanted now
and unthinkable for future generations."

WASHINGTON, Sept. 30 /Christian Newswire/ — A Constitutional Amendment to protect the parent-child relationship introduced by U.S. Rep. 

WASHINGTON - AUGUST 18:  U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekst...

Image by Getty Images via Daylife

Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, has reached 120 co-sponsors in the House. 

"Grassroots constituents came to Capitol Hill and voiced their concerns about the threat from government and foreign interference into the parent- child relationship," Hoekstra said. "I encourage supporters of the amendment to keep up the momentum because Congress is clearly listening." 

The Parents’ Rights Amendment (H.J.Res.42) would state explicitly in the U.S. Constitution that parents have a fundamental right to raise their children as they see fit, while protecting children against abuse and neglect. Threats to the parent-child relationship include potential Senate ratification of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child and the erosion of fundamental parents’ rights in federal courts. 

"This milestone demonstrates that the American people are serious when they say that they want the government to stay out of those areas that rightly belong to the family," said Michael Farris, J.D., president of "The people will continue to speak until two-thirds of the members of both chambers of Congress are on board." 

More information on the Parents’ Rights Amendment can be viewed and


Judie Brown

Judie Brown
September 30, 2009
The recent commentary by Clarke Forsythe, senior legal counsel at Americans United for Life, presents a challenge that must be met. Entitled "The Blackmun Myth" for theNational Review Online "Pro-Lifers Must be Realistic About How, When Roe Abortion Case Can be Reversed" for LifeNews.com the article goes to great pains to rebut the fundamental arguments supporting the quest for state human personhood efforts. The fact that it never gets there is the point of this commentary.

To read the full article, click here:

May the spirit and example of the Good Samaritan fill the hearts and minds of all our citizens.


Jesus said: "A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he fell into the hands of robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So, too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’

"Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?" The expert in the law replied, "The one who had mercy on him." Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise."

— Luke 10:30-37


Here Jesus commands us to show mercy to the victims of the culture of violence and death.

But why did the priest and Levite fail to show mercy? Perhaps they feared that the robbers were hiding just around the next corner to attack them. They asked themselves, "If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?"

The Samaritan, however, reversed the question, and asked, "If I don’t stop to help this man, what will happen to him?"

In working to save the unborn, let’s not worry about what will happen to us if we act; let’s worry about what will happen to the unborn if we don’t.


Father, we are moved by the lesson of the Good Samaritan, who allowed compassion to influence him more than fear. Give us the same heart. Grant that we may never count the cost of standing up and speaking out for the unborn. We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Fr. Frank Pavone
National Director, Priests for Life

‘Blessed art thou of the Lord, my daughter, and thy latter kindness has surpassed the former.’ (Ruth 3:10)

“If the compassion of Mary was great towards the miserable when living in the world, it is much greater now that she reigns in Heaven. For now she is better acquainted with our miseries.”

Saint Bonaventure


Posted on September 29, 2009

You can make big money in abortion. Not only do women pay handsomely to have their inconvenient children killed, sometimes repeatedly, but Big Government shovels mountains of taxpayer money at the abortion industry, and under ObamaCare will soon shovel mountains more. Plus, you can sell body parts from the babies you kill.

Testimony from an employee of Anatomic Gift Foundation and Opening Lines, companies involved in selling parts from aborted fetuses:

QUESTION: Do you think the doctor ever altered the procedures to get you the type of specimens you needed for that day?

ANSWER: Yes, every day. When we would go in to do procedures, the
doctor would come in, along with his nurse, and they would want to see
the list of what we were going to procure and what we needed. Then he
would basically get us the most complete, intact specimen that he could
get us. And what I mean by that is that all the limbs, the arms, the
head, the chest cavity, were never invaded. They were all completely
intact. Sometimes if the fetus was — appeared to be dead, but when you
opened up the chest cavity you do see the heart beating, but they’ll be
no arms or legs moving.

QUESTION: So they were intentionally altering their type of
procedure to give you an intact specimen, even if that meant giving you
a live specimen?

ANSWER: That’s correct. Just so we could sell better tissue and more
tissue out. So that our company would make more money. And at the end
of the year, they would actually give the clinic back more money since
we got good specimens.

Check out this price list from Opening Lines:

Unprocessed Specimen (>8 weeks) $70

Unprocessed Specimen (≤ 8 weeks) $50

Livers (≤ 8 weeks) 30% discount if significantly fragmented $150

Livers (> 8 weeks) 30% discount if significantly fragmented $125

Spleens (≤ 8 weeks) $75

Spleens (> 8 weeks) $50

Pancreas (≤ 8 weeks) $100

Pancreas (> 8 weeks) $75

Thymus (≤ 8 weeks) $100

Thymus (> 8 Weeks) $75

Intestines & Mesentery $50

Mesentery (≤ 8 weeks) $125

Mesentery (> 8 weeks) $100

Kidney with/without adrenal (≤ 8 weeks) $125

Kidney with/without adrenal (> 8 weeks) $100

Limbs (at least 2) $150

Brain (≤ 8 weeks) 30% discount if significantly fragmented $999

Brain (> 8 weeks) 30% discount if significantly fragmented $150

Pituitary Gland (8 weeks) $300

Bone Marrow (≤ 8 weeks) $350

Bone Marrow (> 8 weeks) $250

Ears (≤ 8 weeks) $75

Ears (> 8 weeks) $50

Eyes (≤ 8 weeks) $75

Eyes (> 8 weeks) $50

Skin (> 12 weeks) $100

Lungs & Heart Block $150

Intact Embryonic Cadaver (≤ 8 weeks) $400

Intact Embryonic Cadaver (> 8 weeks) $600

Intact Calvarium $125

Intact Truck (with/without limbs) $500

Gonads $550

Cord Blood (Snap Frozen LN) $125 2

Spinal Column $150

Spinal Cord $325

The list is a little dated; no doubt prices are higher now. The price of a soul under liberalism remains the same: cheap.

M A R K 

–––S P I R I T U A L  F O O D  F O
R  T H O U G H T–––

Persecution Is Near

St. Stephen the First Martyr


I HEAR in my heart the words that there is coming
another wave.

In Persecution!,
I wrote about a moral tsunami which struck the world, particularly the
West, in the sixties; and now that wave is about to return to sea, to
carry with it all who have
refused to follow Christ and His
teachings. This wave, though seemingly less tumultuous on the surface, has
a dangerous undertow of
deception. I have spoken more about this in these
writings, my
, and on my webcast, Embracing Hope.

A strong impulse came over me last night to go to the writing below,
and now, to republish it. Since it is difficult for many to keep up to
the volume of writings here, republishing the more important writings
ensures that these messages are read. They aren’t written for my
amusement, but for our preparation.

Also, for several weeks now, my writing Warning From the
has been coming back to me time and again. I have updated it
with yet another somewhat disturbing video.

Lastly, I recently heard another word in my heart: "The wolves are
"  This word only made sense to me as I re-read the
writing below, which I have updated. 


All Mark’s writings can be found
  Spiritual Food For

Listen to Mark’s music on
his official website: