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A testimony that reveals what Jesus and Mary are up to in Medjugorje!!

(c) Mary TV 2015

September 16, 2015
Sts. Cornelius and Cyprian
Dear Family of Mary!
June 25, 1996 “Dear children! Today I thank you for all the sacrifices you have offered me these days. Little children, I invite you to open yourselves to me and to decide for conversion. Your hearts, little children, are still not completely open to me and therefore, I invite you again to open to prayer so that in prayer the Holy Spirit will help you, that your hearts become of flesh and not of stone. Little children, thank you for having responded to my call and for having decided to walk with me toward holiness.”
Today the reflection is very long, but you will not be sorry. Denis and I have transcribed the incredibly beautiful testimony of Regina Collins, Fruit Show 182. I recommend that you go to the Fruit of Medjugorje Archives to hear and see Regina tell her story. But if you can’t access it, this transcript is really worth the read. In these times of rumors and fears about Medjugorje, this testimony will stop them all. Regina shares in a powerful way exactly what Jesus and Mary are up to in Medjugorje!!! They are saving souls, one at a time. And they are unstoppable!!
Hello. My name is Regina Collins. I’m from Galway, a city in the west of Ireland. This is my story of what Our Lady of Medjugorje has done in my life and how Our Lord has changed my life through the events here at Medjugorje.
I came here first in 1996. I was twenty five, a very angry and very scared twenty five year old. Just to give you a little bit of background, I was raised in a Catholic family. I grew up in the Catholic Church. But I can clearly and distinctly remember the very first time I questioned God’s existence. I was ten years old. And I am the eldest in my family so I remember these days very clearly. My father was diagnosed with a very rare type of brain tumor. And being the good Catholic family that we were (or are…) we turned, of course, to prayer.   There were many rosaries said at our house and many masses offered. But I remember thinking, “If God is so good, and if God is love, then why is my father suffering?” And I decided there and then, that I would not pray. Everyone else could pray, but it would be only the doctors who would cure my father.
Thankfully my father made a great recovery. But that Christmas I discovered, too, that Santy Claus did not exist, much to my shock. And I was really angry with my parents for having taught me lies. And I began to think about it, and I thought, well maybe grownups make up God, and Our Lady, and Heaven, because they are afraid of dying. Maybe that’s another story grownups have taught me.
I never spoke the thoughts aloud to anybody, and as I grew older they kind of grew deeper into my heart. By the time I reached my teens I had a very troubled relationship with both of my parents. And then of course, I discovered night clubs and drinking and boys. And that became my world for quite a few years. My weekend would begin on a Wednesday night and finish on a Sunday night. And as the years went by I became more and more hardhearted. I was extremely angry. I hated the world, and I hated everybody in it. But most of all I hated myself.
There was a lot of drink. There was a lot of drugs. I could be violent at times. I often got into fights at night clubs, and on one occasion, I remember being so violent and so full of anger that if I had had a knife in my hand at that moment, I would have easily killed that girl without thinking.
So by the time I came to my twenties, I had calmed down a little. On the outside I looked normal. I had a job and a steady boyfriend. But to be honest those years became the darkest years of my life for reasons which are too difficult to explain. I remember one time, my mother commenting to me…we weren’t having an argument…it was something she said in response to a comment I made. She said, “Regina, you have a heart like a swinging brick.” And she was right. And I took that as a great compliment because I was filled with pride.
I had a huge amount of pride as well as anger. I thought I was superior to a lot of people, especially people of faith, no matter what faith they were. But I reserved a special hatred for the Catholic Church. I don’t know why.
I never became involved with anything “New Age” or anything like that, because I simply didn’t believe that anything apart from this world existed. I suppose in a strange way, God was protecting me. All through those years my grandmother, my mother, but particularly my grandmother, her sister and her brother prayed a lot for me. And my granny and her sister and her brother showed great love towards me. Their love was unconditional. And they always treated me like I was a lady. So I owe them an awful lot.
So in 1995, my sister, the one I am very close to, was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. And I think if there was any tiny bit, any remnant of faith in my heart when we heard that diagnosis, those words just blasted that tiny bit of faith, if it was there at all, away from me. But in response to that, my mother decided she would take my sister on a pilgrimage, and she chose to come to Medjugorje. And just by way of asking, they said, “Would you like to come, Regina?” And of course I snapped at them and said, “Are you crazy? I am not going to any crazy religious place.”  
But then I thought, “It will be sunny. I don’t have any money for a holiday.” And when I was in school, I loved history. And oddly enough, I did a project on the history of Yugoslavia. So I thought it would be an opportunity to get to see a place I would not get to see otherwise. So I accepted the ticket and I came. They were shocked. And I am sure they were thinking, “How will be put up with her for a week at a religious shrine?” But I warned them ahead of time, “You can find the Church and I will find the bar.” And that was the deal.
So when I arrived in Medjugorje, I was only here 24 hours and I hated the place, I absolutely hated it. And the hatred intensified as the hours passed. And I began to become very panicky. By the end of the first day I had calculated the hours down to the minutes of our return to the airport. All I wanted to do was get home.
On our second day we were invited to go to the Cenacolo Community. And I said, “That’s it, I am not going. I do not want to hear a born again Christian saying I am clean of drugs.” But the way God works, that day I just fell into the crowd and before I knew it I was there in this little church with a beautiful mural on the wall of the risen Christ. I was sitting in the back of the church and I was listening to a testimony given by a gentleman called Raphael from Italy. And for the first time in my life, I could empathize with another person. And the tears began to flow down my face. I became very embarrassed and I kept pinching my hand, trying to stop myself from crying.
He started to stare at me, and being very arrogant and very proud, I wouldn’t look down. So I looked up at the eyes of Our Lord in the mural. And I cried all the way through the testimony. And before I left, this man came over to me, and he introduced himself and asked my name. He had very little English. But he said to me when he looked into my eyes, he said, “Are you happy?” And being Irish, I said, “Oh sometimes happy, sometimes sad.” And he looked at me again, and he said, “ARE YOU HAPPY?” And I had to be honest and truthful with myself. I was shocked when I heard myself say, “No, I am not happy.”
That was the beginning, I now understand, of my conversion. Because as the days went by, I began to go to the church, because I didn’t like the heat and the church was air conditioned. Then I realized that everyone was going to receive Holy Communion and I was the only one that wasn’t, so I began to receive Holy Communion, not because I believed, but because I didn’t want to stand out. And I didn’t want anybody trying to convert me. So Our Lady is a very wise mother. Little by little, very gently she was calling me.
The next big event was a trip to Siroki Brieg, where Fr. Jozo Zovko was based at the time. He gave a talk. I stood at the back door and popped in and out for cigarettes. I was not understanding what was being said, or the importance of Fr. Zovko, or anything like that. And at the end of the talk all the priests were blessed and they in turn prayed over us. And I was in a line and I decided “Nope, this is not for me.” And I tried to turn and walk away, but my feet were stuck to the ground like two strong magnets. And I could not move left nor right. And the priest prayed over me. And that was the most difficult day of all, because all of the anger I had been carrying in my heart for years, came up to the surface.
I ran away from the church and sat on a wall. I looked around and I started to panic. And I remember gripping the wall with my hands and saying over and over, “You live, you die, that’s it. You live, you die, that is it.” And I felt a terrible darkness all around me. And as I was sitting there an old car passed by, and there was a song playing really loudly from the car. It was an Irish band. The chorus of the song struck my heart. But I became very scared. In that moment I really and truly believed I was losing my mind. That was a terrifying feeling. I felt I was losing my grip on reality.
The next day was our second to last day in Medjugorje. I was sitting outside church before English Mass in the shade of a tree on my own, full of anger and pride, when six ladies from London came up and ask me if they could share the shade with me. They thought I was younger than I was, and they were saying, “Aren’t you very good to be in Medjugorje so young. It is wonderful you are here.” But I snapped at them, “I am not that young and I am only here to keep my mother happy.” They asked me my name, and I told them my name.” They said, “Regina, we are going to our group Mass and we will offer you up in the Mass.” So I very sarcastically thanked them, and laughed, and off they went.
And we were brought to our group Mass, and I was thinking, “Oh, one Mass today, and one Mass tomorrow, and then I am home and dry.” But this was what God was preparing me for. The group was brought into St. James Church, and we had our group Mass there. During the course of the Mass, people were coming in and out and approaching the Statue of Our Lady, so when it came to the time of Consecration, or just before that, our priest asked us, in Irish, to get out of our seats, and to walk up onto the steps of the altar. I had to go, because I couldn’t remain there on my own in the seat. And as I walked up to the altar, and as I went to place my foot on the ground of that altar, I suddenly had a feeling of standing on holy ground. It made me gasp, to breath it in and exhale it out.
Then we were told to join hands for the Our Father, which I did, and the tears started to come again, except this time I wasn’t afraid. This time I didn’t try to fight them.  When we finished praying the Our Father, I looked to my left and to my right, and for the first time in my life I felt love in my heart for the people around me. We greeted each other and made peace with each other and embraced each other and by then the tears were really flowing. And I don’t really remember what happened after that. All I remember is receiving Holy Communion, and this is the truly difficult part to explain.
When I received Holy Communion everything disappeared. The church disappeared, the ground beneath my feet disappeared. I was no longer aware of being in a physical building or in a physical place. All I could see was white light.   The whitest, brightest most beautiful light you could possibly imagine.   It was under my feet, it was completely surrounding me, it was above me. The only way I can explain it is if you dived into a pool, and you’re in a pool of water – I was in this never ending dazzling light.  And at the same time I felt a powerful energy flow down into my body up through my right side and I felt a powerful energy flowing up from my body and flowing out through my left side. And at the same time I felt so tiny and so insignificant.   Somehow I knew that all the pride in my heart was being taken out and I was being filled with love. This love that God has is completely, totally indescribable.   There are no words in any language that can describe the love of God the Father. There can be no painting. There can be no music. No song. It is completely indescribable. It is overwhelming. It’s a joy that cannot be described…. And I felt so tiny, so insignificant. It was like being cradled in the arms of a father.   The only way I can explain it is if you remember if you were a little child and you got lost in a shop and you’re very brave. But when you’re father or your mother finds you and then scoops you up, picks you up, then the tears come and you feel the love of the parent.
I don’t know how long this went on for, except that I felt a tap on my shoulder.   And I found myself looking up, and it was my sister.   And she says, ‘Regina, what are you doing on the floor?’ And then I looked, and I realized that somehow I had dropped to the floor and had my forehead pressed to the floor, on the altar of the church. And she had to lift me up. And Mass had finished and everybody had left.   And that’s when the tears really, really started to flow.   She left me in the church and I was there for quite some time and it was waves and waves and waves of tears. But this time it was joyful. It wasn’t upset tears. I just can’t describe it.
So after a long time I left the church. I didn’t want to go to the restaurant and meet anybody. I needed to be on my own.   I saw this lady coming along, and I didn’t want her to see me because if she saw me crying she’d stay with me. And I thought, “What will I do? I don’t want to cause offense.” Where as before I wouldn’t have cared if I caused offense.   So I looked around and there was a priest and he was hearing confessions in the confession boxes. And there was a long queue.   And so I said to myself, ‘If I stand at the back of the que she’ll see that and she’ll just go on her way.’   And I had no intention of going to confession, I was still crying.   So I stood at the back of the queue, and even better, they were all French. And so I’ll stay quiet and I’ll stay here and make sure the coast is clear…. And just as I was about to turn to leave I could hear this big shout of “Allelluia! Praise the Lord!” And to my horror it was those six ladies who I had met just before Mass, returning from their Mass. And they see me standing at the end of the que for confession with tears flowing down my face. And so they came to me and said, “Regina, these people are French.   Do you speak French?” And I said, “No”. But every time I tried to open my mouth to speak to explain I couldn’t because the tears would come again.   So they said, “Hold on to her. We’ll find her a priest.”
And in the distance there was a man sitting on a bench reading a book.   And one of the women approached him. And next she shouted, “Alleluia!” again. She found a priest. And I was brought to confession with two ladies on this arm, and two ladies on this arm, and I was trying to dig my heals in, and I was trying to say ‘I don’t want to go’ but they didn’t know, they didn’t realize, because I couldn’t speak.   And they left me on the bench with the priest.   After a long time I stopped crying and he said, “Would you like for me to hear your confession?” And I said, “Father, my confession will be very long and it could be very shocking. And you’re a holy priest.”   And then he said to me, “Regina, there’s nothing that you can’t tell me.” He said, “I was a chaplain during the war in Vietnam and I’ve heard everything there is to hear.” And I truly believe God chose that priest especially for me, for as I’ve said, I had a great love of history and I had studied about the war in Vietnam quite a lot.   And I sat there and I made my first confession for many years…   I call it my conversion confession of course.
During the course of that confession there was a man, a father, and a little child in the shade of the confessional boxes… And every now and again they caught my eye.   So when confession ended and I received absolution, Fr. Kevin pointed out this man and his child, and he said, “Regina, you’re like that little child.” He said, “You know, you’ll be weak. There may be times when you may fall. But every time that you fall, God your Father will pick you up!” I remember leaving that priest that day and I floated back to the house where I was staying.   I mean, I ran up the road waving at waiters and taxi drivers and people sitting in their gardens…. You can picture James Stewart in that film “It’s a Wonderful Life” … I mean I was like that! And I hugged and kissed everybody in the house.
That evening then we were all invited to a public apparition on the small mountain. And I just went along just to say I was there. After all that happened, apparition wasn’t that important to me – after what I had encountered in the Eucharist.   But I went along, and we sang hymns and we were praying the rosary while we waited.   And I remember it was a Saturday night, and I remember at one point during the rosary laughing to myself because on a Saturday night back home in Galway I’d be in a queue for a nightclub.   And here I was on the side of a mountain in Hercegovina waiting for the Mother of God to come and visit.   I remember my heart being filled with joy!   And just before the apparition began I was just completely surrounded with the smell of roses – just waves and waves and waves of the most beautiful smell of roses and the smell of every kind of flower you can imagine. It was so strong that I actually at one point opened my mouth to try and taste the rose pedals.   It lasted a very long time.   And then we knelt when Our Lady appeared and everything went quiet.  
And after the apparition was over we were making our way down the mountain and I was so filled with joy I just wanted to burst into song, but I couldn’t remember any hymns, because the only songs I knew were heavy metal songs or stuff like that. But the words of one hymn came back to me that used to be sung in Galway when I was little at the novena. And it was “Walk in the Light”.   I could only remember two lines, but I started to sing out loud “Walk in the Light” and people beside me picked it up and very soon most of the mountain on the way down were signing “Let’s walk in the light of God.”
And at the foot of the mountain a lady said to me, “What did you ask Our Lady for?”   Well, I looked and I said, “Well, I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to interrupt Our Lady talking to the visionary!” And it was in that second that I believed that Our Lady really was there…. And ever since then my whole life has changed.   I changed completely!   And that’s when my conversion began.   But that was 19 years ago now. And conversion doesn’t begin and end at one event, I found out.   Conversion is a constant, not process, it’s a constant living.   And there have been times I have fallen.   And once or twice spectacularly!   But God my Father has picked me up.   And he’s brought me back to Medjugorje many times since then. I even had an opportunity to work as a group leader.I have seen and learned and experienced many things in those years.
I’ll just finish now by telling this short little story. Many years after that conversion story, I was back in the Church of St. James in Medjugorje and I was asked to do a reading at Mass. And I was very nervous and I didn’t have time to go through the reading, or pray about it before the Mass. And I stood up onto the altar, and hand reached out to adjust the microphone for me and I looked to my right and there was Fr. Kevin Devine, the priest who heard my conversion confession in 1996. I was so filled with joy and love in that second when I saw him because I never forgot him. And I always prayed for him. And gave thanks to God for his vocation.
And I looked down and began to read the reading, and it was from Ezekiel. And there were two lines of that reading that just truly amazed me. And it was only in that moment I realized what God, what Our Lady did for me. And these are the lines from Ezekiel:
Ezekiel 36: 26
I shall give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you. I shall remove the heart of stone from your bodies and give you a heart of flesh instead.
Then I understood. So all praise be to Jesus and Mary, and Happy Birthday, dear Heavenly Mother….
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2015
“Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world.”
Saint John Paul II
Be connected!

From the Desk of Sr. Emmanuel Maillard
September 14, 2015
Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross
Dear Children of Medjugorje, praised be Jesus and Mary!
1. On August 2, 2015 Mirjana received her monthly apparition at the Blue Cross in the presence of an immense crowd. After the apparition, she conveyed the following message:
Dear children! My dear apostles of love, my carriers of truth, again I am calling you and gathering you around me to help me, to help all of my children who thirst for love and truth – who thirst for my Son. I am a grace from the Heavenly Father, sent to help you to live the word of my Son. Love one another. I lived your earthly life. I know that it is not always easy, but if you will love each other, you will pray with the heart, you will reach spiritual heights and the way to Heaven will be opened for you. I, your mother, am waiting for you there because I am there. Be faithful to my Son and teach others faithfulness. I am with you. I will help you. I will teach you faith that you may know how to transmit it to others in the right way. I will teach you truth that you may know how to discern. I will teach you love that you may come to know what real love is. My children, my Son will make it possible for Him to speak through your words and your actions. Thank you.”
2. A Few Welcome Restrictions in Medjugorje
Recently, we noticed that a few changes have taken place in Medjugorje: Marija no longer opens the Magnificat Center for her daily apparition. Ivan and Jakov still go to the Rotonda in the afternoon with Father Marinko to pray with the pilgrims, but without giving the messages. The Information Center no longer releases the message received on the 2nd of the month by Mirjana as it did previously. This Summer Ivan did not invite the pilgrims to participate in the apparition at night on the mountain with his prayer group, etc.
If the restrictions increase, let us remain in peace: the Gospa has her plan and she will ensure that it happens. The visionaries know it and they are serene. These restrictions are probably local and prudent measures before Pope Francis’ announcement on Medjugorje. In addition, they also help pilgrims who are overly curious about the visionaries and attracted to the extraordinary to avoid being drawn away from the essential. For those who are far from God, and who need signs in order to encounter Jesus and follow Him, the “gifts” that Mary has offered us over the years have borne their fruit.  Fortunately, God goes where He wants and will never be limited by man.  His graces are not going to diminish; on the contrary, they constantly increase during times of adversity!
Pope Francis has not given his word yet on Medjugorje, therefore no declaration, even from a “Vatican insider”, holds any authority. They are simply personal opinions. Beware of falling into the trap of agitation! The announcement will be given on the official Vatican websites. Let us pray in peace for Pope Francis who holds  a grave responsibility, and for his entire entourage!
Let us increase our prayers of thanksgiving and stay away from bitterness, or worse, criticism, which would sadden Our Lady and delay Her plan. That is where she is waiting for us. Her Heart will triumph!

A Supplication plea for France.
I would like to share here this beautiful prayer for my country that many other nations will be able to adopt.  It is very timely, especially in the West where we have been so intent on rejecting God that we have ousted our own happiness. But it is not too late!
“O Lord our God, we are appalled by what is happening in our country but, confident in all your promises, we turn to you, because help will come from you and without you we can do nothing. Jesus, you said: ‘ask and you shall receive’, so we beseech you, please help us, may France rise again!
Standing before you we recognize the sins of our leaders and our elected officials, we recognize their sins as our own because we chose them, and we bear responsibility.  Standing before you, we recognize the sins of the Church of which we are members, these sins are our own because we are one in your Body.  Standing before you, we recognize our personal implication, because we allowed the ideas of the world to fill our hearts, ensnaring them and squeezing out the sense of truth and of the common good, making us convey the wrong messages!
Forgive us for having allowed ourselves to be disarmed without fighting! Forgive us for not having done everything in our power to transmit our Faith and stand firm in Hope and Charity, the only virtues which will allow a civilization of love to be built up, and allow every person to have his place!
We recognize that our hearts are cold, full of selfishness, worried for themselves and for their own, having generous love neither for You nor for our neighbor! We sin day after day, in thought, in words, by commission and by omission, forgive us!
Our Lord, we kneel before you! Through our prayers and our fasting, our tears, and through healing Adoration, we implore your mercy which alone can save us!
Give us your Holy Spirit, keep our hearts in humility and repentance, enlighten our thinking and inspire us to act according to your will and not according to our wishes.
Lord our God, we beseech you in the joyful assurance of your final victory: welcome France and all its inhabitants into the Heart of Jesus, united to that of Mary. May France stay there forever, so that your Kingdom may come, that will renew our institutions with truth and justice! Help us serve Your Will, out of love for You and for our brothers, and may peace prevail! Glory and praise to You, in the Holy Spirit. Amen” (see PS1)
4. Many people ask, what can we expect from the Synod on the Family? 
Are we going to put an end to the trajectory of the current state of affairs?  Good question! The quality of the fruit depends on the quality of the root and of the source we’ll use. For 34 years Our Lady has been explaining to us how to obtain the cure for the breakdown of the family and how to restructure it. In his beautiful book, The Theology of the Body,  St. John Paul II gives us essential and prophetic lights. We have all the keys in our hands. But a key is of no use if it remains in a drawer.
Another voice was heard, that of Sr. Lucia’s of Fatima. In his remarkable interview of 2008, Cardinal Caffara from Bologna (Italy) revealed some parts of a letter that he had received from Sr Lucia, as an answer to his request for prayers for his ministry on the family. To his great surprise, he received a long letter signed by Sr. Lucia (kept in the archives of his Pontifical Institute). In the letter she declares:
“The Most Holy Virgin told me that the devil is in the mood for engaging in a decisive battle with the Virgin. And a decisive battle is the final battle where one side will be victorious and the other side will suffer defeat. Also from now on we must choose sides. Either we are on the side of God or we are on the side of the devil. There is no other possibility […] The final battle between the Lord and the reign of Satan will be about marriage and the family. Don’t be afraid,” she added. “Because anyone who operates for the sanctity of marriage and the family will always be contended and opposed in every way, because this is the decisive issue.” Then she concluded: “However, Our Lady has already crushed its head.”
“My Son promised me that evil will never win because you, the souls of the just, are here,” said Our Lady in Medjugorje (Nov. 2, 2014).
Confusion seizes us in front of the collapse of the family, well manipulated by the “evil doers” who serve the enemy of mankind. St. John Paul II said, “when the sustaining pillar is touched (the nest of the family), the whole building collapses.”
To answer strong attacks, we need strong weapons! Hence the repeated visitations of Mary, who shows us the path to take. “The world is in a moment of trial,” she tells us. “Because it forgot and abandoned God. Therefore you, little children, be those who seek and love God above all. I am with you…” (Aug. 25, 2015). Her messages will always be there, confirming the Gospel. Mary will always be there, eager to help us, eager to see us become saints! So we already have  everything!
Dear brothers and sisters, do everything she says, and she will do everything for you! (See PS 2, our CDs on the Family)
5. Vicka is now back home, but she is still too weak to receive pilgrims. 
She offers all her sufferings to Jesus for Our Lady’s plans and for us, her children, because she knows the precious fruit of that offering. In 1983 Our Lady told her, “very few people have understood the great value of suffering when it is offered to Jesus.” Since then Vicka has always kept an extraordinary smile, even in the midst of her worst illnesses.
6. On the (inspired) request of Sr. Briege Mc Kenna, I am preparing a book on Mercy for the Year of Mercy. Please send me (in your mother tongue) your witnesses and testimonies that may glorify the Divine Mercy and nurture our brothers who do not know yet the love of God! Thank you in advance ! (
Dearest Gospa, you are the cause of our joy, you are the Morning Star which announces the coming of the true Light! We take your hand again today!
Sister Emmanuel +
(Translated from French)
P.S. 1. 

Excerpt from France, get on your knees! by Axelle, Ed. du Parvis, Switzerland. –– Tel. +41 26915 9393

P.S. 2. Sister Emmanuel’s new book, Peace Will Have the Last Word is out in English! To order your copy, and receive a 30% discount at checkout, click here:
P.S. 3. Follow the evening program in Medjugorje at
P.S. 4. Sign up and Pass Us Along!
In Flemish:
Children of Medjugorje, INC | PO Box 18430 | Denver | CO | 80218

(c)Mary TV 2014


August 25, 2015

Dear Family of Mary!

The August 25, 2015 Message from Our Lady, Queen of Peace – Medjugorje:


“Dear children! Also today I am calling you to be prayer. May prayer be for you the wings for an encounter with God. The world is in a moment of trial, because it forgot and abandoned God. Therefore you, little children, be those who seek and love God above all. I am with you and I am leading you to my Son, but you must say your ‘yes’ in the freedom of children of God. I intercede for you and I love you, little children, with an endless love. Thank you for having responded to my call.”


In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

Cathy Nolan

©Mary TV 2015

“Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world.”
Saint John Paul II
Be connected!

Mary TV | P.O. Box 899 | Notre Dame | IN | 46556

Medjugorje Headlines


The Convergence For a Perfect Storm

Medjugorje August 2, 2015 A.D.

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August 2, 2015 A.D.

Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s August 2, 2015
Apparition and Message Given through Mirjana on the Day for Nonbelievers

These days, Medjugorje is hosting thousands of youth from around the world for their annual Youth Festival which is always a beautiful time to be in Medjugorje. Pilgrims began to gather around 4:00 P.M. on the afternoon of August 1, in preparation for Mirjana’s 2nd of the month apparition for non-believers. There were many enthusiastic youth who slept on the mountain in hopes of being able to see Mirjana’s face the next day throughout her apparition. As the sun began to set, many of the pilgrims were over-joyed to experience the miracle of the sun. The crowd was singing and praying all throughout the night leading up to the time of the Apparition. The number of pilgrims was large, despite the intense heat. Mirjana arrived at around 8:30 am. She was serious and in deep prayer kneeling before the Blue Cross waiting for Our Lady to come. When the apparition began, a beautiful smile of great joy came across her face. The apparition lasted several minutes. Throughout the apparition she went through many emotions, smiling, crying, happy and serious. After the apparition, Mirjana remained near the Blue Cross for a while, with a radiant smile that never left her face as she greeted pilgrims and listened to the singing.The following is Our Lady’s message through Mirjana given today:

“Dear children, I, as a mother who loves her children, see how difficult the time in which you live is. I see your suffering, but you need to know that you are not alone. My Son is with you. He is everywhere. He is invisible, but you can see Him if you live Him. He is the light which illuminates your soul and gives you peace. He is the Church which you need to love and to always pray and fight for – but not only with words, instead with acts of love. My children, bring it about for everyone to come to know my Son, bring it about that He may be loved, because the truth is in my Son born of God – the Son of God. Do not waste time deliberating too much; you will distance yourselves from the truth. With a simple heart accept His word and live it. If you live His word, you will pray. If you live His word, you will love with a merciful love; you will love each other. The more that you will love, the farther away you will be from death. For those who will live the word of my Son and who will love, death will be life. Thank you. Pray to be able to see my Son in your shepherds. Pray to be able to embrace Him in them.”

medjugorje bosnia herzegovina apparitions virg...

The Convergence For a Perfect Storm

by A Friend of Medjugorje

It is surreal for the Virgin Mary, who has an overview of man’s complete detailed history from Adam and Eve until now, to say, “…I…see how difficult the time in which you live is…” Why? Because we, man today, are experiencing a time that is fertile to give birth and to incubate in its womb the antichrist. For the first time since the Creation of the Universe, so many different elements are converging to give an antichrist the ability to rule. We have technology that is well on the way in its development that will make it possible for evil to rule over everyone and everything.

• Technology that can “make” a man involuntarily move his body.

• Technology that can somewhat interpret the mental intentions of someone who is walking down a street, through monitoring his brain waves, without him knowing so.

• Technology that can identify any individual in the total dark by their body heat.

• There are laws being put in place that define what you can think and not think. By simply thinking certain thoughts, much less expressing them, it will be more and more indicting to your well-being by a system of “Thought Police.”

• There is a cracking, an opening, from hell for satan’s minions to pour out of hell to cover the earth to torment man.

• The Book of Revelation speaks of the prodigies of satan. Prodigies mean something extraordinary or inexplicable; an extraordinary, marvelous, or unusual accomplishment, deed, or event; an event eliciting amazement or wonder: omen. A prophetic indication or significance, a marvel. Television is one of the greatest tools for satan’s prodigies to enslave man, to train him to be inclined towards evil, through modernism, not by the choice of good vs. evil, but rather good vs. gratification. Gratification is the great deception today that masks evil.

It is evil to get you to choose evil under the disguise of gratification as a good for you and all society. Is it good for a police officer to be able to know, through being able to tap into a man’s brain waves, that a man walking down the street is about to rob a bank? Of course, many would answer “yes.” Then would it be good to be walking down the street, thinking or seeing something that you believe is offensive, but you being offended by this will be judged as “abominable behavior?” You, therefore, will be a threat to an individual’s freedom and be considered to be committing a grave immorality.

All things which can control, induce, suppress, will be used against Christians to track them down and persecute them. Since Christianity was born, it is a given that this will happen. It is not a matter of “if,” it’s a matter of “when.” Christianity is protected only when society abides by God’s statutes. This protection is often experienced through the flourishing of liberty and freedom. But this freedom is possible through abiding by Christian tenets which restrain us to live measured lives. In other words, just because we have freedom and liberty to be able to do something, are we supposed to allow ourselves just to do it? The slogan, “Just Do It,” is often of satan. A sane society is a self-restrained society “of good,” leading to a viable life. In the opposite of what the world thinks of being too restrictive, a restrained society flourishes and becomes a society of freedom and liberty. Sin and the free will to act unrestrained creates an insane society of gratification leading to an unviable life and its death. For man to be unmeasured and try a piece of anything he may want, leads to no peace. Peace can only be had by measured living. Not to do so will bring enslavement of which, we now, are already in its throes. Power to control thoughts always will end up in bad hands to crush good. We, Christians, have accepted things and helped to propagate technologies masked as good that will be used to crush us. These accepted things everywhere, operating by invisible methods, all-seeing and will cause you great suffering because it is Scriptural. “You will not be able to buy or sell.”

The means by which the antichrist will be able to operate are everywhere around us. A brand new technology has just been released called “The Echo” and is said to be “the latest advance in voice-recognition technology that’s enabling machines to record snippets of conversation that are analyzed and stored by companies promising to make their customer’s lives better.” It’s a “digital assistant” that can be set up in your home or office to listen for various requests, such as if you asked what the weather will be tomorrow or what is a name of a certain song, or if you want a book read aloud to you. But it records anything you may say in a conversation or what others may say who do not know the listening device is on. It’s more than a tape recorder. Everything you say or communicate is being actively monitored like never before. It is great tool for evil and thought control as an all-seeing evil eye. Our Lady said, “…I see your suffering, but you need to know that you are not alone. My Son is with you. He is everywhere….” All the above is why you need to know, “He (Christ) is everywhere,” because we are growing a world in which you are going to feel that you are alone. Today, Our Lady said of Her Son:

“…He is invisible…”

The transmission of invisible electrons at light speed is slow compared to the speed of the invisible Divine Light of Our Lady’s Son. “…He is the light…,” not a glittering light, but “…light which illuminates your soul and gives you peace…” Our Lady has told us long ago:

April 25, 2009

“…[for you] peace may become the highest treasure on this peaceless earth…”

Today, August 2, 2015, Our Lady said:

“Do not waste time deliberating too much…”

Why deliberate Our Lady’s apparitions to be approved? It will not make the apparitions more real by being stamped with “They are approved.”* The Queen of Peace is saying now, fight for Him, when those leaders in the Church are “disasterly” failing us. He who was born as the Son of God. “…He is the Church…” we are to fight for in the way He lived and showed us, a fight by, and, of love through prayer and words. Not alone by prayer, but by and through acts of love. It will not be us who will “bring it about,” but He will bring it about through us. Do not waste time deliberating when the words of Our Lady’s messages are urgent, a now action, to be implemented to save the world. It does not matter when the “inserters” say Medjugorje is not approved. We are free to follow the direction of the Blessed Virgin Mary who is guiding all people today to Her Heart to the Heart of Her Son, for all the world to come to be one under Him. Don’t fret over deliberations. Spread the message of Our Lady. Do not hesitate. Hesitation only gives more ground for evil to grow and get rooted. We already have massive roots growing, strangling marriage and its meaning, that is going to be difficult to uproot. Evil’s choking vines have sprouted around the world turning it into a Sodom. We have wasted too much time deliberating which has distanced us from the truth of Our Lady’s apparitions, “you will distance yourself from the truth.” Instead, understand through reason that His Word, Her Son, is Our Lady’s words; His Gospel is being repeated in Our Lady’s Gospel. It’s an “echo” that leads to life not death. Mary’s Gospel as His Word must be adhered to, not deliberated and rejected. Our Lady’s apparitions are to prepare the world for a time of peace and victory, but these same messages will be used by those in the ultimate battle in which, through the Gospel of Mary, She, the Woman, shadowed not even by the greatest angel or saint, and in the light of Her Son, will crush the serpent’s head, and Who at His glorious return, will cast the serpent into the eternal flame forever.

He who chokes at the words “Gospel of Mary” does not know Her. Jesus said you do not know Me because you do not know My Father. If you knew Him, you would know Me. Because you do not know Me, you do not know He who sent Me. If you do not accept Mary’s words, you do not accept Her Son’s Words. If you knew Her Son was the Word, you would recognize Her words and Her Son Who sent Her. “His” Mother said that She would give messages as it has never been in history from the beginning of the world. In the beginning was the Word and the Word became flesh.

For you who do not accept Her words, how then do you accept the Word? Mary’s Gospel, the echo of the Word, given in a new way, a new understanding, are immense in that their effects will affect all creation until the final battle in which the serpent’s head will be crushed, never to rise again. Whether the final battle be ten years or one thousand years from now, we are being given a gift, a grace, incomprehensible in this moment, that will give passage to many future Christians to survive amidst the great tribulation, the suffering under the anti-church, until Jesus, in the glorious moment, comes back.

As men confined in mortal bodies, limited in so much humanness, we are not able to see Mary as God sees Her. We can pray to comprehend, to rise above the confines of the flesh in better knowing Mary, but we will never know and understand Mary as She is known by God. She, who is in the midst of the Trinity, comes on the second day of the newborn millennium and says:

January 2, 2000

“Never as much as today, my heart is begging for your help! I, your Mother, am begging my children that they help me to realize what the Father has sent me for…”

Shudder, O man, that She Who alone can dwell deep in the midst of the Trinity where no being can dare go, not even the angels, and now She is before you begging! How man have you responded to Her words?

You are in a time as no other in the history of the world. You are sitting in the amphitheatre of history when Mary comes to the Earth, paralleling Her Son’s walk on the Earth 2,000 years ago, for Her time to reinvigorate and revive in the world the salvation for, salvation, anew.

July 2, 2015

“…Love always, anew, revives the pain and the joy of the Eucharist…”

April 4, 1985

“…I wish to keep on giving you messages as it has never been in history from the beginning of the world…”

Praying for the Love that will Turn Death into Life,
A Friend of Medjugorje

* For more on this, “deliberating,” read We Must Go to a Higher Truth. It will tell you everything you need to know. There is no need to explain anything else. Visit here to read.

Be sure to listen to Radio WAVE with A Friend of Medjugorje regarding this August 2 message, airing live, Monday August 3, 2015, at 7:00 PM Central Time USATo listen live, or for your local online broadcast time, visit here…


Mirjana August 2, 2015

In the Poem of the Man-God, Jesus speaks to the women disciple and to disciples of today of the Virgin Mary:

“…follow the example of My Teacher, Teacher of everyone who wishes to be formed in Grace and Wisdom. Follow Her word. It is the same as Mine, but made sweeter. Nothing is to be added to it, because it is the word of the Mother of Wisdom…”

Poem of the Man-God, Volume 2

Jesus revealed this command regarding His Mother to Marija Valtorta before Medjugorje began.

“Follow Her word.”

All seeing eye...

A Friend of Medjugorje took this picture of a sketch on a sidewalk in Germany. It is the all-seeing eye with a cell phone handcuffed to it. A Friend of Medjugorje immediately understood what the sidewalk artist was trying to convey, and Our Lady’s message of August 2, 2015, confirms the dangerous times we live in.

Remember also, that the direction people receive through these writings are unlike any that is normally found. One’s understanding becomes clearer. We make a strong appeal that if this site has helped you, please consider returning the gift to Our Lady, by becoming a Core Group member, for only 14 cents a day. Through your support, you help continue to make Our Lady’s messages available FREE to all the world’s population. If you are already a Core Group Member, consider even a one-time donation as an added boost for our future expansion. For more information or to become a Core Group Member click to visit here.

For information about a pilgrimage to Medjugorje, call BVM Caritas Pilgrimages at 205-672-2000, extension 218 or 219. Or you can also click to visit here and request information about a pilgrimage to Medjugorje.

Messages in Other Languages Posted As Soon As They Become Available

Prayer for Nonbelievers

Questions? Call in the US, 205-672-2000.


Mirjana greeting Our Lady on July 2, 2015


July 28, 2015

Dear Family of Mary TV, Our Lady’s Apostles:


Let’s welcome Our Lady this August 2nd, Sunday morning, when she appears to Mirjana in Medjugorje. Praying with our Mother, we will intercede before God for all her needs! Our Mother, whose love is stronger than evil, will comprehend how much love we have for her! (See PS)


Sunday, August 2, 2015


Live streaming begins

8:00 am Medjugorje time

2:00 am EDT in the US
(Late Saturday night on the West coast in the US)



“My Son promised me that evil will never win, because you, the souls of the just, are here!”


Please spread news of this important event! (If you forward this email, use “Forward Email” at the bottom of this page, underneath Mary TV’s logo.)


MARY TV will also be streaming LIVE from Medjugorje during the youth festival, July 31 through August 6th. Details posted soon on our website.


Thank you and God bless you!

Denis Nolan


PS.  Our Mother’s July 25, 2015 message to us:

“Dear children! With joy I am with you also today and I call all of you, little children, pray, pray, pray so as to comprehend the love which I have for you. My love is stronger than evil, little children, therefore draw closer to God so as to feel my joy in God. Without God, little children, you do not have a future, you do not have hope or salvation; therefore leave evil and choose good. I am with you and, with you, I intercede before God for all of your needs. Thank you for having responded to my call.”


PPS. A BIG THANK YOU to all of our Intercessors and donors! Please keep it up!!!!!!





“Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world!”

Saint John Paul II  –
Be connected!
MISSION STATEMENT: MARYTV is a lay apostolate founded to put at the Gospa’s service (Our Lady’s service) modern communication technologies to bring her presence in Medjugorje – and her school in Medjugorje – to the world.

Mary TV | P.O. Box 899 | Notre Dame | IN | 46556

(c) Mary TV 2015


July 25, 2015

St. James


Dear Family of Mary!


Here is the July 25, 2015 message from Medjugorje:


“Dear children! With joy I am with you also today and I call all of you, little children, pray, pray, pray so as to comprehend the love which I have for you. My love is stronger than evil, little children, therefore draw closer to God so as to feel my joy in God. Without God, little children, you do not have a future, you do not have hope or salvation; therefore leave evil and choose good. I am with you and, with you, I intercede before God for all of your needs. Thank you for having responded to my call.”


In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

Cathy Nolan

Mary TV

“Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world.”
Saint John Paul II
Be connected!

Mary TV | P.O. Box 899 | Notre Dame | IN | 46556


July 21, 2015

St. Lawrence of Brindisi


Dear Family of Mary!


I could not resist sharing this wonderful picture of a little red car with a sign on the back that says “Medjugorje”!! This car belongs to Lubi in England. She sent this explanation:


Dear Denis and Cathy,

As promised a long time ago. I am sending you pictures of my car.


I had this nudging to put a sign “Medjugorje” and “Marytv” on the car! I was thinking of all the people who we meet on the road and they might never have heard of Medjugorje. So I made a deal with Blessed Mother telling her, if my car passes the MOT without any failing, I will try to arrange to put the sign in place.


So on the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, 13th June this year, I put it on.

(And I do think you are a very good source of information about Medjugorje, I love your Fruit of Medjugorje and Daily Rosary.)


God bless you both

Lubi x


I think the sign is perfect! Thank you, Lubi, for honoring your “deal” with Our Lady and putting the sign on your car. Our Lady really wants people to know about her presence in Medjugorje. She once said:


“Dear children! Today I thank you for living and witnessing my messages with your life. Little children, be strong and pray so that prayer may give you strength and joy. Only in this way will each of you be mine and I will lead you on the way of salvation. Little children, pray and with your life witness my presence here. May each day be a joyful witness for you of God’s love. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (June 25, 1999)


Our Lady needs us to be little sign posts of her presence in Medjugorje. How else will her children learn about her presence, if we do not tell them? She is counting on us. And Lubi has shown us a very practical way to do it. The simple words on her car give all the information they will need. Think how their entire life might change by just reading the word, Medjugorje!  And finding Mary TV online may give them an experience of Our Lady’s presence that will bring much grace. 


May we all become joyful witnesses of Our Lady’s presence in Medjugorje and sign posts for souls looking for God. Our Lady will show us the way. She is very clever, and will know what each of us can do, if we ask her.


In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

Cathy Nolan

©Mary TV 2015



“Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world.”
Saint John Paul II
Be connected!

34th Anniversary Celebration!

(c)Mary TV 2015


June 25, 2015

34th Anniversary of Our Lady’s coming to Medjugorje


Dear Family of Mary!


Here is the 34th Anniversary Message:


“Dear children! Also today the Most High gives me the grace to be able to love you and to call you to conversion. Little children, may God be your tomorrow and not war and lack of peace; not sorrow but joy and peace must begin to reign in the heart of every person – but without God you will never find peace. Therefore, little children, return to God and to prayer so that your heart may sing with joy. I am with you and I love you with immeasurable love. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (June 25, 2015)



Also today, Our Lady appeared to Ivanka Ivankovic Elez. Here is what the parish reported:


The visionary Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez had her regular annual apparition on June 25th 2015.


At her last daily apparition on May 7, 1985, Our Lady confided to Ivanka the 10th secret and told her that she would have an apparition once a year on the anniversary of the apparitions. It was that way also this year.


The apparition, which lasted 4 minutes, took place at Ivanka’s family home. Only Ivanka’s family was present at the apparition. After the apparition, Ivanka said: “Our Lady gave us her motherly blessing and said: ‘Peace, peace, peace.'”


Again, Happy Anniversary to all Our Lady’s children! Thank you, dearest Mother, for being with us, blessing us, and loving us!


In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

Cathy Nolan

Mary TV



PS. After some technical difficulties, the streaming of the 34th Anniversary Rosary, Mass and Adoration at St. James Church was incredibly beautiful!! Thank you for joining us in this wonderful time of prayer and thanksgiving. Thanks to our team in Medjugorje for their hard work!! God bless everyone!!




“Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world.”
Saint John Paul II
Be connected!

 (c)Mary TV 2014




February 20, 2015


Dear Family of Mary!


“Dear children! I am here, I am among you. I am looking at you, am smiling at you and I love you in the way that only a mother can. Through the Holy Spirit who comes through my purity, I see your hearts and I offer them to my Son….” February 2, 2015


Here is the transcript of the Homily for Ash Wednesday at English Mass in Medjugorje. It is given by a priest from New York. Father explains so well how Our Lady’s school of Medjugorje is “Lenten”! This is a good homily to reflect on at the beginning of Lent:


What a privilege we have been given, my dear brothers and sisters. Usually on Ash Wednesday I am at a big church somewhere, most recently right in the middle of Manhattan, giving out ashes and sometimes Holy Communion, to those who are more devout, to thousands of people. The parish where I help out in midtown Manhattan will probably have about ten thousand people coming in and out today. It becomes an assembly line. But we are small in number. And we are here. I have left St. Agnes, and you have left whatever situations you have back home, to come here because Our Lady has called us here. And through God’s providence we are here on Ash Wednesday.


You and I, small in number, have been given this great privilege, and with it comes a responsibility. We are here not just for ourselves. We are here for all of our loved ones at home for whom we are praying, and we are here for the whole Church. The Church needs to listen.


A little while ago in our house, we prayed the morning prayers for the Divine Office. And one of the antiphons that is repeated at the very beginning of the Divine Office for Ash Wednesday and for a good part of Lent is simply, “If today you hear His voice, harden not your hearts.” And that is why we are here. We are here to listen to God’s voice. And God speaks, God proclaims today.


The Prophet Joel: “Blow the trumpet in Zion! Proclaim a fast, call an assembly; Gather the people; notify the congregation; assemble the elders, gather the children. Let everyone come. And let the ministers of the Lord weep and say, ‘Spare, O Lord, your people.'”


Blow the trumpet in Zion. Blow the trumpet in the Church. Wake up my people. That is why Our Lady has come to Medjugorje. She has come here because we have become deaf. We are not listening. We live in a world where practically speaking, so many people don’t believe in God at all. But even the Church, the church where most of us come from in the United States and perhaps elsewhere, the church in so many places has become rather deaf. We have become rather deaf. We are not listening. Why? Because we are living in mediocrity in our church in the United States. And because of that, practically speaking, so many Catholics are almost atheists.


So what was the first thing Our Lady said when she came to Medjugorje? “I have come to tell you that God exists.” God exists…hey remember people….God exists. And He is calling. And Our Lady is calling the Church anew to live out her vocation as the Bride of Christ. And that is why you and I are here and why you and I are here on Ash Wednesday.


Again the Prophet Joel: “Even now says the Lord, ‘Return to Me with your whole heart.'” That is the message of Our Lady in a nut shell. The prophetic message that the people of God have heard from the ancient days of Israel. “Return to Me with your whole heart.” That is certainly what Medjugorje is about, and what Lent is all about. “Return to Me with your whole heart.”


Our Lady is asking us not to just say a few prayers, not even to just make a pilgrimage, not even to make a few good resolutions about prayer and fasting when we get back. She says, I want you, I want your whole heart.


When we look at the other apparitions of Our Lady, whether it is Lourdes or Fatima or whatever they are, Our Lady is always asking us to pray, go to confession, say the Rosary, go to Holy Communion. And she says it more and more insistently. So now in Medjugorje she is saying it over and over and over again. This is the voice of the Mother. And we are not getting it. And so she repeats it over and over again. Since 1981, she is still saying it, “Return to Me with your whole heart.” That is what God is asking of each of us. Return to Me with your whole heart. Give your life to Me.


Back in the States, I am privileged to teach in our seminary. And so many of our seminarians have received their vocation somehow through a connection with Medjugorje, either coming here or being influenced by people who have been here, through reading a book or whatever. They have heard the call, and they realize it is not about being a functionary, not just saying a few prayers, but about living the life, giving one’s whole self.


Most people here are not called to leave what they are doing and become priests or religious, but we are all called, no matter what we are doing in our lives. Whether it is running a restaurant, running an office, teaching school or youth ministry, whatever we are doing, we are called to live our lives for Christ and do whatever we do for the Lord.


That is what makes the difference. Then the most humble of tasks, the most ordinary of tasks become salvific. And God works through us in whatever it is that we are doing. But we must listen to that call, “Return to Me with your whole heart.”


Why? What is Ash Wednesday about? What is Lent about? Lent is not an end in itself. Lent is a preparation. We are looking forward to the culmination of Lent and the culmination of the whole Church year, and that is the celebration of Easter. Easter is what we are all about. St. Augustine says, we are an Easter people…and I can’t say the rest because I would have to say a word that the Church says we can’t say, liturgically speaking…it begins with an “A”…that word we don’t say during Lent…that is our song!!! We are an Easter people. We are all about the gift of new life that God gives to us with the death and resurrection of His Son. And Lent is an invitation to enter more deeply into that life, into our celebration of Easter, which is the center of everything.


That is why we have Lent. That is why we have Medjugorje!


“God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son” (John 3:16). And God is calling us saying “Return to Me with your whole heart,” because I give you My heart. Because I give you Myself. Here at this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Lord gives us Himself. The sacrifice of the death and resurrection of Christ, and Our Lord feeds us with His Body and Blood, He gives us Himself. He invites us to enter into a deep relationship with Him. That relationship began for us at Baptism.


That is why you will during the season of Lent so many references to our Baptism. And at the Easter Vigil and throughout the Easter Season we rejoice in our Baptism, because Baptism means that we have died to our old selves, and God lives within us. We share in God’s very own life. The Blessed Trinity has come to dwell within us. That is why God created us. That is what we are here for. That is why we have been created. That is why Medjugorje exists. That is why the Church exists. The Church has got to enter into that deep relationship with Him that already exists by virtue of our Baptism.


And so Our Lady is asking us in Medjugorje, the Church is asking us during the season of Lent, as St. Paul says, to stir up the Spirit that has been given to us. To allow God to enter us deeply and to fill us with His glorious presence. That is why we are here in Medjugorje. That is why we fast and do all the other things that Our Lady is asking us. It is a time of conversion. Lent is a time of conversion. Our time here in Medjugorje is a time of conversion. The Lord is offering us tremendous, tremendous graces.


Medjugorje is such a tremendous gift to the Church. But Medjugorje itself leads to the greatest of all gifts that the Lord has given to us, the gift into which we are entering right now in this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The Lord is saying to us, “Come to Me. Come to Me now. Let Me forgive your sins now. Let Me fill you with My life, with My grace, with My love now.” Let’s not wait another moment.


Let’s make a resolution now, as St. Paul asks us to do in the second reading today. He quotes the Lord, saying, “In the acceptable time I heard you. On the day of salvation I helped you.” The Lord is coming to us to give us the gift of His grace, of His salvation, but it is now. St. Paul goes on to say to us…he says it about our pilgrimage to Medjugorje, about Lent, about God’s relationship to us right now…He is saying, “Behold, now is a very acceptable time, behold now is the day of salvation.”


In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

Cathy Nolan

©Mary TV 2015


“Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world.”
Saint John Paul II
Be connected!

From the Desk of Sr. Emmanuel Maillard


15 February 2015


Dear Children of Medjugorje, praised be Jesus and Mary!

1. On February 2nd  2015, Mirjana received her apparition in the big room of her pension near her home. She was surrounded by a smaller than usual, due to the winter seasion. At the end, she shared with us this message:


“Dear children! I am here, I am among you. I am looking at you,I am smiling at you and I love you in the way that only a mother can. Through the Holy Spirit who comes through my purity, I see your hearts and I offer them to my Son. Already for a long time I have been asking of you to be my apostles, to pray for those who have not come to know God’s love. I am asking for prayer said out of love, prayer which carries out works and sacrifices. Do not waste time thinking about whether you are worthy to be my apostles. The Heavenly Father will judge everyone; and you, love Him and listen to Him. I know that all of this confuses you, even my very stay among you, but accept it with joy and pray that you may comprehend that you are worthy to work for Heaven. My love is upon you. Pray that my love may win in all hearts, because that is the love which forgives, gives and never stops. Thank you.”

2.  Observing Lent with the Power of God! It strikes me to see how suffering and anxiety are increasing in people’s hearts, and how many remain locked in situations that appear to be unmanageable! Some are victims of malicious attacks, some have opened the door to the evil one through grave sins, others endure very painful and hurtful conditions in their life. Whatever seems “unmanageable” in life, it is important to remember that this word, “unmanageable” does not exist in the vocabulary of God or that of His followers! Our Lady told us, “Through fasting and prayer, dear children, you can obtain everything.” She also said, “You will find a way out even for situations that seem impossible to you.”


Our friend Matthew had an overwhelming worry that was threatening his entire family: to find himself penniless at the beginning of his retirement. He had been successful in his business, but he had made powerful enemies who were trying to drown him, out of jealousy. Here is his story:


“In 2009, our children had left the family home, and were independent, so we were alone in our large 7-room house. We decided to sell it and find a smaller place to live. We quickly found somebody interested to buy it. After signing the preliminary sales agreement, we rented a place so that we could take our time to buy the house we wanted. That’s when our worries started.  The bank imposed on us impossible conditions for our finances and, at the same time, our buyer pulled out at the last minute, so the sale did not take place. Our house was empty, and we were paying the heating bills, the property tax and, on top of that, the rent for the apartment! The situation had no other solution than a prolonged lawsuit, which would have lasted years. The bank threatened to seize the house and to sell it dirt-cheap at a public auction! The sale offers were coming in, but strangely enough, they would always fall apart at the last minute. All our efforts to sell were like shooting in the dark. There was no solution in sight, we were at a complete standstill.


It is then that I remembered a message of Our Lady, ‘Through fasting and prayer, dear children, you can obtain everything.’ So in July 2014 I decided to go to Medjugorje for nine days and do a novena of fasting on bread and water, the daily rosary, the Eucharist, and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. In other words, I was taking Our Lady ‘up on her word’. The fasting went wonderfully well because from day one I had offered it to Mary, begging her to support me. I was so afraid of failing. It was an astonishing discovery: I would go to Viktor’s (a restaurant near the church) to eat my fasting bread. I was eating next to pilgrims who were having their normal meals, letting off the most tempting smells to accompany my bread! However I felt no desire to change my menu.


When I got back home, we signed a new preliminary sales agreement to sell our home, but the problem remained because of the bank blocking everything. We had signed the agreement with all our trust in Our Lady, certain that she would help.


I could see that another effort was needed. So I decided to forcibly move things forward, because the house had been empty over 4 years! I decided that another fast was needed. In no time, I was back in Medjugorje by the end of October 2014. I could not imagine that Mary would not stick to her word! I offered her another Novena of fasting for all her intentions. This time it was the right novena, and it worked! We signed the final sales agreement early in the month of January 2015!”


The moral of the story is Simple! The kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent bear it away, (Matt. 11:12).We just need to use whatever means Heaven offers us. How many more blessings, healings, and liberations would be granted if we told ourselves, like Matthew, ‘The Gospa sticks to her word, let’s follow her instructions!’ Of course, in her messages she doesn’t ask for novenas of fasting, rather she asks that we fast 2 days a week. Look! So many people are ready to undergo a costly therapeutic diet for their physical health, why would they not also think of doing it in the case of a so-called “unmanageable” situation?  And why not take advantage of this Lent to let God bring down upon us, our families and on the world, the signs of His power?3. Pope Francis will go to Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina) on June 6th. Pope Francis (c)

However, his trip does not seem to have any connection to the site of Medjugorje. Father Federico Lombardi, spokesman for the Holy See, made it clear in an interview on February 2nd, “The Pope said he would go to Sarajevo, he did not say he would go to Medjugorje.” Normally the Holy Father allows journalists to interview him while in flight, we will see if he drops some surprising words as he usually does.


Whatever the excitement surrounding this planned trip, Our Lady will continue to do her work in peace and quiet ,until it is completed, until her Immaculate Heart has triumphed. It is up to us to hasten the fulfillment of her plans through our fervent and confident prayers.

4. Great news from the Carmelite convent of Bethlehem!

Maryam of Bethlehem

Sr. Mary of Jesus Crucified, Maryam of Bethlehem (1846-1878), will be canonized on May 17th in Rome! Satan had said: “She will be canonized and I don’t want that to happen!” But John-Paul II said: “Everything in her speaks of Jesus.” Who is the “little Arab”?  Maryam Baouardy is a daughter of Galilee and a great mystic of the Carmelite order beatified by John Paul II in 1983.  Her religious name was Sister Mary of Jesus Crucified.  Her life was a succession of supernatural manifestations worthy of St. Catherine of Siena, from the stigmata to singular battles with Satan.  It is hard to discover Maryam without falling in love with her, without wanting to become a saint as well, by following in her footsteps, (See PS 1).

5. On March 19th, we’ll celebrate the solemnity of St. Joseph. The tradition in my house is to offer him a 30-day Novena, starting Feb. 17th.  One can start later if he missed the date. Every day, we recite his litany and a decade of the Rosary. Then, we entrust our many petitions to him in a spontaneous prayer. St. Joseph is very generous to whoever pray to him with trust. His remarkable tenderness has not failed for his own since he entered the glory of Heaven! Don’t miss him, and send us your testimonies of his help and intercession for your family so that others can come to love him and pray to him too! Send your testimonies to:


Dearest Gospa, what would the world be today without your coming to Medjugorje? Thank you for being present, for looking at us and for smiling at us! You do more through one single smile than all the therapies of the world!

            Sister Emmanuel +


© Sr. Emmanuel Maillard 2014

Permission is given to use the text of these reports under two conditions:
1) No words are changed, 2) “Children of Medjugorje” is cited along with our website:



PS 1. Who is Blessed Maryam of Bethlehem, the “Little Arab”?  Maryam Baouardy is a daughter of Galilee from a very poor family, and a great mystic of Carmel. While in the convent, her religious name was Sister Mary of Jesus Crucified.  Her life was a succession of supernatural manifestations worthy notably similar to that of Catherine of Siena, from the stigmata to singular battles with Satan. Don’t miss the booklet “Maryam of Bethlehem” by Sr. Emmanuel. $5.00 special until the end of February. Click HERE to be directed to the website where you can order it today!


PS 2. For those who speak French, Sister will be live on the Internet on March 3rd at 3pm EST. She will speak about Mary’s message to Mirjana on March 2nd, she will answer your questions posed by chat, and she will speak about Maryam of Bethlehem. The live lasts about 70 min. Click The last live of Feb. 3rd can be found at

PS 3. Write a letter to the Holy Mother! Send it to her at”Reine de la Paix”, BP 2157, F- 06103 Nice cedex, France. We will give it to a visionary.


PS 4.  A call to families!  A call to the families: you have delightful words from your children, let’s not loose them! Please send them to us at as we wish to publish them. 

PS 5. View the Medjugorje celebrations live, at home!

PS 6. Read and circulate “News from Medjugorje” by Sr. Emmanuel each month! 
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