At the entrance to the [Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in downtown Los Angeles] is a suspended 8-foot bronze Madonna with computerized enhanced facial features. The guides tell us, ‘Mary’s face is a combination of the Black and Asian and White and Hispanic features that symbolize all the races of the people in L.A.’ Of course, what you end up with is a symbol of a symbol that looks like a cross between David Bowie and Sandra Bullock. It is not a statue of Mary; it is a statue explaining ethnic traits, and they use Mary as an excuse to talk about themselves.

— Chicago priest-artist Father Anthony Brankin
The following is the text (slightly edited) of a presentation titled “Mater Christi — Praying through art and architecture,” given by Chicago priest-artist Father Anthony Brankin. Thanks to Father Brankin for permitting me to publish his material in my column.


Mater Christi — Praying through art and architecture

By Father Anthony Brankin

Read this article here: