
Dear Deacon,

Abortion calls the Christian to be a witness — a
witness to the abortion-minded women who are going in
for an abortion.

In those moments when we feel our prayer efforts are
having no impact, that's usually when our witness of
God's love is entering the most unexpected hearts.

When you're praying at a 40 Days for Life vigil, the
women who are going in see you — and they know why

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Image by mzffr via Flickr

you're there. Your prayers and witness are powerful …
so be ready when abortion minded-women respond.


Bryan in Canton re-emphasized the need for men to
answer God's call. He attended a men's conference
recently where that was the theme.

"We spoke about our call as men, as husbands, as fathers
— a call to protect and defend," he said. "It was quite
powerful as we considered how God is calling us to live
our lives."

One thing in particular reminded him of a situation that
40 Days for Life volunteers face quite often — the pro-
abortion taunt that men who oppose abortion hate women.

"Obviously, we know that is not true," Bryan said.

At the conference, one of the speakers recalled a saying
— "I'm a lover not a fighter."  And he pointed out the
problems with that slogan.

"We are fighters precisely because we love," Bryan
explained. "We fight for the things we love. And in
the case of 40 Days for Life … we care about women
and girls, and we care about families. And that is why
we fight. How will you answer the call today?"


Eileen in Beaumont recently witnessed some men who
answered the call on what was otherwise a typical day
on the job.

A truck from a heating and air conditioning contractor
pulled up in front of the abortion center where the
40 Days for Life vigil is in progress. A couple of guys
got out and saw the signs: "Pray to end abortion."

"Do they do abortions in there?" asked one of the men.
The volunteers responded, "Yes, they do!"

This man had not been aware of that. "We don't do work
for people who do abortions," he said sharply, "and we
will tell them so!"

With that, the two men went inside the abortion facility,
came right back out, got in their truck and left.

"We want to encourage all businesses to be as brave as
those folks," Eileen said of the men who put principle
above money. "Our world would be different if everyone
took such a strong stand."


One of the 40 Days for Life team members in St. Cloud
shared a note from a woman who learned of 40 Days for
Life for the first time right before the campaign started.

"I knew immediately that God was calling me to fast and
pray for these 40 days," she wrote. "I am very well known
for my indulgence in chocolate and baked goods, and I
knew God was challenging me."

She found information on the 40 Days for Life web site
about fasting being a form of physical prayer, and that
gave her the words she needed to tell others about what
she was doing.

She's been offered goodies at family and work events —
a salesman even brought in a cheesecake from the
Cheesecake Factory — but she has kept her fast. "God
has given me the grace to explain to people that no,
I'm not dieting. I'm participating in the 40 Days for
Life campaign."

Even someone who's usually argumentative about abortion
has accepted her explanation. "I rejoice," she said,
"knowing that I'm planting a seed of God's love during
this time by my witnessing through prayer and fasting."

Today's devotional is from Carmen Pate, a member of
the 40 Days for Life board of directors.


Pray for opportunities to share with an abortion-
minded woman that the newness of life she is seeking
is found only in Christ.


If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old
things have passed away; behold all things have become

— 2 Corinthians 5:17

REFLECTION by Carmen Pate, 40 Days for Life

An unexpected pregnancy is perceived by many young
women as the end of their life as they know it. News
of an unexpected pregnancy pulls the rug from under
her well laid plans.

Sadly, these women may choose abortion as a matter of
self-preservation, believing that an abortion will
help return life to normal and give them opportunity
to start anew.

They don't see abortion as killing a child, but rather
as saving their own life. Of course, abortion will not
bring the newness of life they are seeking, but
instead will bring death to their child, lifelong
regret, and unexpected — possibly devastating —
consequences to their own life.

Abortion will be the choice made if we don't meet them
at the crossroad between life and death with a better

Almost without exception, these young women are
looking for love, acceptance, and to be valued.

In their efforts to have those needs met, they have
become promiscuous. Most, if honest, will admit the
needs were only met momentarily, if at all, during
their brief encounter, and afterward the needs
returned unmet.

The truth is, only Christ loves them unconditionally
with an everlasting love. Only Christ will accept them
as they are, and only Christ sees them for their true
value in Him.

He has a perfect plan for each woman and her child if
only she will allow Christ to transform her life as
she surrenders to Him.

No, an unexpected pregnancy is not the end of life,
but rather can be the beginning of two beautiful lives
if God's plan for them is given opportunity to unfold.


Grandmother Prays

Let us pray! Image by Flickr

Heavenly Father, you give us a new song, a new
purpose, a new direction, a new perspective.

You remind us that the thief comes to steal, kill, and
destroy, but Christ came that we might have life, and
have it more abundantly.

Give us boldness to share this Good News with those at
the crossroads. May they choose life for their
children and enjoy newness of life in You. Because of
Christ we pray, Amen.


To download today's devotional as a formatted,
printable PDF to share with friends:



Yours for Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: How have you been personally — and spiritually —
affected by 40 Days for Life? Please reply to today's
blog posting if you have a story to share:


40 Days for Life

10908 Courthouse Road
Suite 102229
Fredericksburg, VA