Urgent Prayer Request – For Father Corapi

Our Lady of Sorrows

Urgent Prayer Request-For Father Corapi
Father Corapi has asked for our prayers. You can read his own words here  http://www.fathercorapi.com/default.aspx I know many scoff when we see attacks on priests like this as coming from the devil. But who else would want to shut Father Corapi up, who is doing so much to save souls?


*They cried out, “Crucify him! Crucify him!”
Pilate said to them, “I find no guilt in him.
Take him yourselves and crucify him.” (John 19)
Jesus Christ, Lamb of God,
falsely and maliciously accused by the mob,
have mercy on us.

Jesus Christ, Lamb of God,
handed over to death by cowardly authority,
have mercy on us.

Jesus Christ, Sun of Justice,
vindicated by your Resurrection,
grant us justice.

Father of Truth,
send the light of your Holy Spirit into the darkness
of every false accusation and unjust condemnation.
Give strength to the innocent to stand firmly in truth,
as you gave to Jesus, in the face of torture and death.

Give courage to church and civil authorities
to grant justice and due process to the innocent,
in the face of the mob.

Father of Mercy,
deliver your innocent ones from evil;
grant them speedy justice and vindication,
in the name of Jesus Christ, our Victim and Savior.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on all
innocent victims: the abused and the falsely accused.

(Follow with Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be)
Prayer Source: here  http://hicatholicmom.blogspot.com/2010/06/prayer-for-innocent-falsely-accused.html

Posted by Ed Sousa, Sr.  www.ingodscompany2.blogspot.com