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Author Archives: deaconjohn1987 Pro-Life News Report

Friday, May 24, 2024

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Top Stories
Woman Goes Viral With Video Claiming “My Fetus Dancing Right Before It Was Aborted”
Biden Forced to Back Down After Lawsuit, Allows Catholic Group to Hold Mass at National Cemetery
Pro-Life Activist Biden Put in Prison is Mistreated, Denied Medical Care
Huge Kansas Abortion Biz Stops Killing Babies After 10 of 16 Abortionists Resign

More Pro-Life News After Putting Pro-Life Advocate Lauren Handy in Prison for Protesting Abortion, Biden’s Targeting Her Again
Support for Harrison Butker’s Pro-Life, Pro-Family Message Has Been Amazing
Pro-Life Group Sues Joe Biden for Trying to Put Pro-Life Hero Mark Houck in Prison
Gavin Newsom Signs Bill Allowing Arizona Abortionists to Kill Babies in California
Scroll Down for Several More Pro-Life News Stories

Woman Goes Viral With Video Claiming “My Fetus Dancing Right Before It Was Aborted”

Biden Forced to Back Down After Lawsuit, Allows Catholic Group to Hold Mass at National Cemetery

Pro-Life Activist Biden Put in Prison is Mistreated, Denied Medical Care

Huge Kansas Abortion Biz Stops Killing Babies After 10 of 16 Abortionists Resign

After Putting Pro-Life Advocate Lauren Handy in Prison for Protesting Abortion, Biden’s Targeting Her Again

Support for Harrison Butker’s Pro-Life, Pro-Family Message Has Been Amazing

Pro-Life Group Sues Joe Biden for Trying to Put Pro-Life Hero Mark Houck in Prison

Gavin Newsom Signs Bill Allowing Arizona Abortionists to Kill Babies in California


Christian Nurse Wins Victory Against CVS After It Fired Her for Her Religious Beliefs

Louisiana Bill to Stop Predators From Forcing Women to Have Abortions Heads to Governor

New York Court Forces Christian Groups to Fund Abortions

Pro-Life Americans are Helping Moms and Babies Before and After Birth

Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event? Don’t have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.

Days After Putting Pro-Life Americans in Prison, Biden is Targeting More Pro-Life Advocates

Joe Biden Packing the Courts is Another Reason to Vote for Trump

Republican Party Must Never Abandon the Pro-Life Cause

Americans Give Biden Worse Marks as He Pushes Abortion Instead of Helping America

Thank you, dearest Mother, for your messages!

May 24, 2024
Dear Family of Mary!
Tomorrow we anticipate a new message from Our Lady! Her messages are truly life changing for us! And so, with gratitude let’s take another look at her last message to us, given on April 25, 2024. May her words continue to illuminate our hearts with the grace they contain.
Our Lady’s message for April 25, 2024:

Dear children! I am with you to tell you that I love you and to encourage you to prayer; because Satan is strong and every day his strength is stronger through those who have chosen death and hatred. You, little children, be prayer and my extended hands of love for all those who are in darkness and seek the light of our God. Thank you for having responded to my call. ( April 25, 2024 )

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan (c) Mary TV 2024

Mary TV. Inc. |   “Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world.”St. John Paul IIBe Connected!
Mary TV | P.O. Box 899 | Notre Dame, IN 46556 US Pro-Life News Report

Thursday, May 23, 2024

 To read the news, visit

Top Stories
Pro-Life Group Sues Joe Biden for Trying to Put Pro-Life Hero Mark Houck in Prison
Days After Putting Pro-Life Americans in Prison, Biden is Targeting More Pro-Life Advocates
Joe Biden Packing the Courts is Another Reason to Vote for Trump
Republican Party Must Never Abandon the Pro-Life Cause

More Pro-Life News Americans Give Biden Worse Marks as He Pushes Abortion Instead of Helping America
Record High 252,122 Babies Killed in Abortions in UK
Pope Francis Condemns Euthanasia: Killing People is a “Failure to Love”
Joe Biden Shuts Down Catholic Mass at National Park
Scroll Down for Several More Pro-Life News Stories

Pro-Life Group Sues Joe Biden for Trying to Put Pro-Life Hero Mark Houck in Prison

Days After Putting Pro-Life Americans in Prison, Biden is Targeting More Pro-Life Advocates

Joe Biden Packing the Courts is Another Reason to Vote for Trump

Republican Party Must Never Abandon the Pro-Life Cause

Americans Give Biden Worse Marks as He Pushes Abortion Instead of Helping America

Record High 252,122 Babies Killed in Abortions in UK

Pope Francis Condemns Euthanasia: Killing People is a “Failure to Love”

Joe Biden Shuts Down Catholic Mass at National Park


WHO Pandemic Agreement Threatens National Sovereignty, Free Speech, and Pro-Life

Louisiana Legislature Passes Bill to Stop Forced Abortions on Women

Conservative Group Launches Major Ad Campaign for Pro-Life Bernie Moreno in Ohio

Planned Parenthood Condemns Arkansas for Helping Pregnant Women

Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event? Don’t have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.

Maryland Republican Senate Candidate Larry Hogan Supports Abortion on Demand

Pro-Life Advocate Heather Idoni Thrown in Prison for 24 Months for Protesting Abortion

Kansas City Chiefs Coach Andy Reid Defends Harrison Butker

Kansas City Chiefs QB Patrick Mahomes Defends Harrison Butker: “He’s a Good Person”

A few pieces came into my inbox over the past couple of weeks around organ donation and transplantation that caught my attention. While we don’t often write about this topic, it is within our concern of medical ethics as it relates to new technologies and developments in medicine. I’ve always been both fascinated and concerned about medical ethics in this domain. In my nursing days, I worked in university hospitals that did pediatric transplants (heart, kidney, liver, and bone marrow) so I very clearly saw the pros and cons of transplantation medicine as these issues were in front of us daily.

The first story in my inbox was a report about a woman who is the second person to receive a genetically modified pig kidney transplant. She had suffered from several heart attacks, years of diabetes, and was in kidney failure requiring dialysis just to keep her alive. Because of her serious health issues, she was deemed not to be a suitable candidate for a human organ transplant. Receiving a genetically modified pig kidney seemed to be her only chance of survival and she told herself, “You know what? I’m going to do it. I have to do it – for myself and for the rest of my family.” The previous report of such a transplant was in a 62 year old man. He was in end stage kidney failure when he received his genetically modified pig kidney.

Read the Full Article

Our Paul Ramsey Institute Fellows Are Changing the World

We founded the Paul Ramsey Institute in 2012 to build a training program for leadership in bioethics. Our alumni are truly changing the world, asking questions about what it means to be human, and how to maintain our humanity as medical technologies rapidly change. PRI fellow Matthew Rose published in First Things about the “Suicide of the Radical Right,” last month. He is also the director of the Barry Center at the Morningside Institute, which guides scholars in courageous academic research.

In March, two PRI alumni, Brewer Eberly and Ben Frush, published in Mere Orthodoxy, “Teach Us to Number Our Days: Health Anxiety and Faithful Anticipation”. Eberly and Frush are both clinicians, writing about how the current medical care system compromises the chance of dying in integrity with our values.

Our PRI Alumni do so much to advance the conversation around bioethics worldwide. At our annual Paul Ramsey Award Dinner, we gather to honor their work. This year’s Ramsey Fellow, Dr. Jeffrey Bishop will present, and we’ll also hear from our keynote speaker, Riley Gaines. We have just a handful of tickets remaining for the PRI Dinner, so make sure to reserve one for you and any guests as soon as you can!

Get tickets

Afraid to Be Female

Kallie Fell and Jennifer Lahl recently contributed to Fairer Disputations. Here’s an excerpt:
Why are our adolescent girls believing that they were born in the wrong body? Why is transgender identification trending higher and higher among adolescent girls? And why are these girls being rushed into medical transition?

These questions cannot be answered without listening to the stories of female detransitioners and desisters (those who transitioned socially, but not medically, and then reverted). To prevent more children from being harmed, we must try to understand why so many young girls believe that they are transgender.

In the stories shared in our new book, The Detransition Diaries, we see three interwoven yet distinct themes: untreated mental health concerns and related trauma (including sexual abuse), peer or social contagion, and fear of being female.

In this essay, we will focus on that last component: the fear of being female.         Read the Full Article                                  
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Blessed are the poor in spirit…

May 23, 2024

Dear Family of Mary!

The Psalm Response for Holy Mass today is from the Gospel of Matthew:

Mt 5:3: Blessed are the poor in spirit; the Kingdom of heaven is theirs!

This is the first beatitude in Jesus’ list in Matthew 5! It must be the most important! But it might be difficult to describe this beatitude.

I found this definition on, which is a Catholic website for teens. It is a good one, I think:

“Now, the phrase ‘poor in spirit’ speaks to an even deeper reality … beyond physical poverty … but to true spiritual poverty. To be poor in spirit means to acknowledge our deepest human need for God and to grow in that longing and that dependence on a daily basis. It’s only when we realize how badly we need God and how we are nothing without Him that we become worthy of the Kingdom He promises us (Matthew 5:3); when we realize we are the beggars, our gratitude to the Giver (of life) becomes that much greater.” (

This radical dependence upon God is the key to joy and peace! Because He is the true source of all good!

Our Lady has spoken to us about this radical dependence upon God often in her messages. Here is one message:

March 18, 2016

“Dear children,

with a motherly heart

filled with love for you, my children,

I desire to teach you complete trust in God the Father.

I desire for you to learn

by an internal gaze

and internal listening

to follow God’s will.

I desire for you to learn

to boundlessly trust in His mercy and His love,

as I always trusted.

Therefore, my children,

cleanse your hearts.

Free yourselves from everything

that binds you to only what is earthly

and permit what is of God to form your life

by your prayer and sacrifice

so that God’s Kingdom may be in your heart;

that you may begin to live proceeding from God the Father;

that you may always strive to walk with my Son.

But for all of this, my children,

you must be poor in spirit

and filled with love and mercy…

You must have pure and simple hearts

and always be ready to serve.

My children, listen to me,

I speak for your salvation.

Thank you.”

Thank you, dearest Mother, for so gently guiding us into a relationship with the Father in which our littleness and poverty of spirit will keep us close to Him. May we grow more every day as His little ones who are poor in spirit!

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

Cathy Nolan

(c) Mary TV 2024

Mary TV. Inc. |

“Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world.”

St. John Paul II

Be Connected!

Mary TV | P.O. Box 899 | Notre Dame, IN 46556 US Pro-Life News Report

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

 To read the news, visit

Top Stories
Pro-Life Advocate Heather Idoni Thrown in Prison for 24 Months for Protesting Abortion
Kansas City Chiefs Coach Andy Reid Defends Harrison Butker
Kansas City Chiefs QB Patrick Mahomes Defends Harrison Butker: “He’s a Good Person”
Kentucky Reports 0 Abortions as Abortion Ban Saves Babies

More Pro-Life News NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Walks Back Criticism of Harrison Butker: “We Treasure Diversity of Opinion”
Georgia Supreme Court Justice Andrew Pinson Defeats Radical Abortion Activist
Liberal Writer Defends Harrison Butker’s Freedom of Speech to Defend Motherhood
Pro-Life Group Condemns Biden for Targeting Pro-Life Americans
Scroll Down for Several More Pro-Life News Stories

Pro-Life Advocate Heather Idoni Thrown in Prison for 24 Months for Protesting Abortion

Kansas City Chiefs Coach Andy Reid Defends Harrison Butker

Kansas City Chiefs QB Patrick Mahomes Defends Harrison Butker: “He’s a Good Person”

Kentucky Reports 0 Abortions as Abortion Ban Saves Babies

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Walks Back Criticism of Harrison Butker: “We Treasure Diversity of Opinion”

Georgia Supreme Court Justice Andrew Pinson Defeats Radical Abortion Activist

Liberal Writer Defends Harrison Butker’s Freedom of Speech to Defend Motherhood

Pro-Life Group Condemns Biden for Targeting Pro-Life Americans


Louisiana Legislature Passes Bill to Protect Women From Forced Abortions

UK Prime Minister’s Call for New Election Kills Measure Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth

Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers Help Nearly 1 Million Pregnant Women

24 Republican Governors Oppose Biden’s Attempt To Hand Power to WHO

Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event? Don’t have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.

Colorado and South Dakota Will Vote on Ballot Measures for Abortions Up to Birth

Arkansas AG Tells Companies to Stop Illegally Selling Abortion Pills, Threatens to Shut Them Down

Pennsylvania Bill Would Overturn Every Pro-Life Law Protecting Babies From Abortions

Biden Admin Files Charges Against More Pro-Life Americans After Putting a Dozen People in Prison

All that is of this world…will disappear…

All that is of this world…will disappear…

May 22, 2024
Dear Family of Mary!
The first reading for Mass today is a challenging one. St. James talks about the sin of arrogance, in which one can presume that he can do whatever he wishes, without first placing it before the Lord for discernment. Leaving God out the the equation of our lives is a disaster!! Listen to the reading:

Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and get gain”; whereas you do not know about tomorrow. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we shall live and we shall do this or that.” As it is, you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil. Whoever knows what is right to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin. (James 4:13-17, RSV-CE)

Our Lady gave us a message in which she warned of the very same mistake, boasting and arrogance are sins before God. We are fools to live outside of God’s protection and love:

November 2, 2015 
“Dear children, anew I desire to speak to you about love. I have gathered you around me in the name of my Son according to His will. I desire that your faith be firm, flowing forth from love. Because, those of my children who understand the love of my Son and follow it, live in love and hope. They have come to know the love of God.
Therefore, my children, pray, pray so as to be able to love all the more and to do works of love. Because, faith alone without love and works of love is not what I am asking of you: my children, this is an illusion of faith. It is a boasting of self.
My Son seeks faith and works, love and goodness. I am praying, and I am also asking you to pray, and to live love; because I desire that my Son, when He looks at the hearts of all of my children, can see love and goodness in them and not hatred and indifference.
My children, apostles of my love, do not lose hope, do not lose strength. You can do this. I am encouraging and blessing you. Because all that is of this world, which many of my children, unfortunately, put in the first place, will disappear; and only love and works of love will remain and open the door of the Kingdom of Heaven.
I will wait for you at this door. At this door, I desire to welcome and embrace all of my children. Thank you!”

Our Lady is such a good mother. She does not want to lose any of her children. Like St. James, she understands the temptations that lure her children away, the boasting in arrogance that blinds them. 

Because all that is of this world, which many of my children, unfortunately, put in the first place, will disappear; and only love and works of love will remain and open the door of the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Thank you, dearest Mother, for calling us back to the way of love, the way of humility and trust in God. May we pray for all those trapped in the ways of the world, that they will find their way back to God!

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan (c) Mary TV 2024

Mary TV. Inc. |  
“Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world.”St. John Paul IIBe Connected!
Mary TV | P.O. Box 899 | Notre Dame, IN 46556 US

All that is of this world…will disappear…

May 22, 2024
Dear Family of Mary!
The first reading for Mass today is a challenging one. St. James talks about the sin of arrogance, in which one can presume that he can do whatever he wishes, without first placing it before the Lord for discernment. Leaving God out the the equation of our lives is a disaster!! Listen to the reading:

Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and get gain”; whereas you do not know about tomorrow. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we shall live and we shall do this or that.” As it is, you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil. Whoever knows what is right to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin. (James 4:13-17, RSV-CE)
Our Lady gave us a message in which she warned of the very same mistake, boasting and arrogance are sins before God. We are fools to live outside of God’s protection and love:
November 2, 2015 
“Dear children, anew I desire to speak to you about love. I have gathered you around me in the name of my Son according to His will. I desire that your faith be firm, flowing forth from love. Because, those of my children who understand the love of my Son and follow it, live in love and hope. They have come to know the love of God.
Therefore, my children, pray, pray so as to be able to love all the more and to do works of love. Because, faith alone without love and works of love is not what I am asking of you: my children, this is an illusion of faith. It is a boasting of self.
My Son seeks faith and works, love and goodness. I am praying, and I am also asking you to pray, and to live love; because I desire that my Son, when He looks at the hearts of all of my children, can see love and goodness in them and not hatred and indifference.
My children, apostles of my love, do not lose hope, do not lose strength. You can do this. I am encouraging and blessing you. Because all that is of this world, which many of my children, unfortunately, put in the first place, will disappear; and only love and works of love will remain and open the door of the Kingdom of Heaven.
I will wait for you at this door. At this door, I desire to welcome and embrace all of my children. Thank you!”
Our Lady is such a good mother. She does not want to lose any of her children. Like St. James, she understands the temptations that lure her children away, the boasting in arrogance that blinds them. 
Because all that is of this world, which many of my children, unfortunately, put in the first place, will disappear; and only love and works of love will remain and open the door of the Kingdom of Heaven.”
Thank you, dearest Mother, for calling us back to the way of love, the way of humility and trust in God. May we pray for all those trapped in the ways of the world, that they will find their way back to God!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan (c) Mary TV 2024

Mary TV. Inc. |  
“Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world.”St. John Paul IIBe Connected!
Mary TV | P.O. Box 899 | Notre Dame, IN 46556 US Pro-Life News Report

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

 To read the news, visit

Top Stories
Biden Admin Files Charges Against More Pro-Life Americans After Putting a Dozen People in Prison
Trump Confirms He Won’t Restrict Contraception, Will “Never Advocate Restrictions on Birth Control”
Biden Admin Undercounted Number of Babies Killed in Abortions on Military Bases
CVS Pharmacy Forced to Settle After Firing Christian Nurse for Being Pro-Life

More Pro-Life News Pro-Life Women Denied Crucial Medical Care After Biden Puts Them in Prison
Pearl Jam Singer Eddie Vedder Trashes Harrison Butker: “He’s a F—— P—-“
Florida Abortion Businesses Caught Paying Women to Seek Out-Of-State Abortions
Pro-Life MP Who Faces “Hate Speech” Charges for Quoting Bible Defends Herself in Court
Scroll Down for Several More Pro-Life News Stories

Biden Admin Files Charges Against More Pro-Life Americans After Putting a Dozen People in Prison

Trump Confirms He Won’t Restrict Contraception, Will “Never Advocate Restrictions on Birth Control”

Biden Admin Undercounted Number of Babies Killed in Abortions on Military Bases

CVS Pharmacy Forced to Settle After Firing Christian Nurse for Being Pro-Life

Pro-Life Women Denied Crucial Medical Care After Biden Puts Them in Prison

Pearl Jam Singer Eddie Vedder Trashes Harrison Butker: “He’s a F—— P—-“

Florida Abortion Businesses Caught Paying Women to Seek Out-Of-State Abortions

Pro-Life MP Who Faces “Hate Speech” Charges for Quoting Bible Defends Herself in Court


No, Pro-Life Laws Do Not Increase Intimate-Partner Violence

Premature Baby Girl Born at 22 Weeks Heads Home From Hospital

Louisiana House Passes Bill Making It a Crime to Coerce Women Into Abortions

Pro-Life Doctor Complains That Medical Schools are Increasingly Pro-Abortion

Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event? Don’t have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.

Mom Warns About Assisted Suicide After Her Son is Secretly Euthanized

Republican Senators Sponsor Bill to Support IVF

Catholic Bishops Oppose South Dakota Amendment Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth

Kansas City Chiefs Owner Tavia Hunt Supports Harrison Butker: “Defending Motherhood is Not Bigoted”

  Put Jesus in the first place…

May 21, 2024
Dear Family of Mary!
We find ourselves back in Ordinary Time! After the incredible journey through Lent, Easter and Pentecost, we are again walking together in our normal, everyday lives! But we have been changed! The incredible miracles of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection leave their mark on our hearts and souls, deepening our faith and helping us to walk with Jesus a little more faithfully!
Our Lady has spoken to us about this process in her messages. She calls us to put Jesus in the first place in our lives! This is exactly what we need to do now. It is the only logical response to the mysteries that we have experienced over the past few months! May we put Jesus in the first place in our lives!!
Our Lady speaks:

March 18, 2002
“Dear Children! As a mother, I implore you, open your heart and offer it to me, and fear nothing. I will be with you and will teach you how to put Jesus in the first place. I will teach you to love Him and to belong to Him completely. Comprehend, dear children that without my Son there is no salvation. You should become aware that He is your beginning and your end. Only with this awareness can you be happy and merit eternal life. As your mother, I desire this for you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

March 18, 2004
“Dear children! Also today, watching you with a heart full of love, I desire to tell you that what you persistently seek, what you long for, my little children, is before you. It is sufficient that, in a cleaned heart, you place my Son in the first place, and then you will be able to see. Listen to me and permit me to lead you to this in a motherly way.”

March 18, 2014
“Dear children! As a mother, I desire to be of help to you. With my motherly love, I desire to help you to open your heart and to put my Son in the first place in it. Through your love for my Son and through your prayer, I desire for God’s light to illuminate you and God’s mercy to fill you. In this way, I desire for the darkness, and the shadow of death which wants to encompass and mislead you, to be driven away. I desire for you to feel the joy of the blessing of God’s promise. You, children of man, you are God’s children – you are my children. Therefore, my children, set out on the ways on which my love leads you, teaches you humility and wisdom, and finds the way to the Heavenly Father. Pray with me for those who do not accept me and do not follow me – those who, because of hardness of their hearts, cannot feel the joy of humility, devotion, peace and love – the joy of my Son. Pray that your shepherds, with their blessed hands, may always give you the joy of God’s blessing. Thank you.”

Thank you, dearest Mother, for offering to help us to put Jesus in the first place in our lives! We accept your help and guidance!! We want Jesus to be our #1!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan (c) Mary TV 2024

Mary TV. Inc. |   “Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world.”St. John Paul IIBe Connected!
Mary TV | P.O. Box 899 | Notre Dame, IN 46556 US Pro-Life News Report

Monday, May 20, 2024

 To read the news, visit

Top Stories
Kansas City Chiefs Owner Tavia Hunt Supports Harrison Butker: “Defending Motherhood is Not Bigoted”
Lauren Handy’s Attorney: “We Will Vigorously Pursue an Appeal”
Trump Says He Would Consider Pro-Life Conservative Ken Paxton for Attorney General
Pro-Life Group Launches Initiative to Keep Republican Party Platform Pro-Life

More Pro-Life News Democrats: We’ll End Filibuster to Legalize Abortions Up to Birth Nationwide
Premature Baby Born at 22 Weeks, Size of Her Father’s Hand, Celebrates Her First Birthday
Judge Upholds South Carolina Abortion Ban: I Don’t Make the Law
Benedictine College Student Defends Harrison Butker’s Speech: Family is Vitally Important
Scroll Down for Several More Pro-Life News Stories

Kansas City Chiefs Owner Tavia Hunt Supports Harrison Butker: “Defending Motherhood is Not Bigoted”

Lauren Handy’s Attorney: “We Will Vigorously Pursue an Appeal”

Trump Says He Would Consider Pro-Life Conservative Ken Paxton for Attorney General

Pro-Life Group Launches Initiative to Keep Republican Party Platform Pro-Life

Democrats: We’ll End Filibuster to Legalize Abortions Up to Birth Nationwide

Premature Baby Born at 22 Weeks, Size of Her Father’s Hand, Celebrates Her First Birthday

Judge Upholds South Carolina Abortion Ban: I Don’t Make the Law

Benedictine College Student Defends Harrison Butker’s Speech: Family is Vitally Important


Missouri Attorney General Investigating Democrat Mayor for Doxxing Harrison Butker

2/3 of Adults Who Read the Bible Regularly Oppose Abortion

Voters See Amendments for Abortions Up to Birth as Democrat Get Out the Vote Scheme

Minnesota Amendment Dies That Would Have Made Abortions Up to Birth a Constitutional Right

Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event? Don’t have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.

Abortion Bans are Not Denying Pregnant Women Health Care

Senator Ron Johnson is Right, Democrats Voted for Abortions Up to Birth

Thousands of People Join Oregon March for Life to Protest Abortion

Misled by Planned Parenthood, One Woman is Now Speaking Out Against Abortion