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Monthly Archives: June 2024

Anniversary Novena with Marija, Day 5

June 20, 2024

Dear Family of Mary!

Today is Day 5 of our Novena on Apparition Hill! Join us, live, at 10 PM tonight, June 20, for the prayer gathering with Maria! Our Lady will be waiting for us!! Tell your friends.

Here is a lovely prayer given to Jelena that we could pray to prepare for tonight:

Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

(Given by Our Lady to Jelena Vasilj, 11/28/1983)

O Immaculate Heart of Mary, overflowing

with goodness, Show us your love for us.

May the flame of your heart, Oh Mary,

Descend upon all peoples.

We love you immensely.

Impress in our hearts a true love.

May our hearts yearn for you.

Oh Mary, sweet and humble of heart,

Remember us when we sin.

You know that all mankind are sinners.

Through your most sacred and maternal heart,

Cure us from every spiritual illness.

Make us capable of looking at the beauty of your maternal heart,

And that, thus, we may be converted

to the flame of your heart. Amen

The Novena Prayer on Apparition Hill last night was wonderful! Many, many people climbed the hill to participate! After praying the joyful and sorrowful mysteries, with songs and special prayers, it was time for Our Lady’s Apparition.

Our Lady came, and Marija’s gaze was fixed upon her for a long time. Once in a while, Marija would speak to Our Lady – though we could not hear her at all. But we all could feel Our Lady’s presence, in the peace that surrounded us.

Here is Marija’s summary of their conversation:

June 19, 2024 – Maria Now we will ask our priests to bless us and our father bishop in a special way to bless us with a special blessing. People that are suffering, that are in the war – we ask the Queen of Peace to give us peace. Not only in our hearts, and in our families, but also in the whole world. Because she asked for this novena for peace in the world. And tonight we are going to pray in a special way for Ukraine, for Israel, and all countries where war is present.

After the blessing from the Bishop and the priests Marija shared this:

Tonight when Our Lady came she prayed again in her motherly language Aramaic. I recommended to Gospa all of us, all our intentions, everything that we have in our hearts, all of those who were mentioned in our prayers. In a special way I asked Gospa to intercede in front of her son Jesus for peace. Gospa prayed over us and blessed us all with her motherly blessing and she thanked us for every sacrifice we offered for her intentions, for this novena. And she said “I’ll see you tomorrow at the same time and same place” and left into heaven.

Though Our Lady does not say too much to us, it is clear that she is doing a great deal silently in our hearts. We are all getting very used to these gatherings with her. We truly need our Mother, and she is truly with us!

Remember that you can view the 43rd Anniversary Novena prayer on Apparition Hill, live on our website tomorrow, at 10:00 PM Medjugorje time.

Click on the arrow in the top window – MARYTV 24/7 Channel – and the live stream will open up for you!

Below are a couple pictures for you from last night!

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

Cathy Nolan

Mary TV

Mary TV. Inc. |

“Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world.”

St. John Paul II

Be Connected!

Mary TV | P.O. Box 899 | Notre Dame, IN 46556 US

Anniversary Novena with Marija, Day 4

June 19, 2024

Dear Family of Mary!

Today, June 19, 2024, we will again stream, live, the 43rd Anniversary Novena Prayer on Apparition Hill with Marija Pavlovic Lunetti. This is Day 4 of the Novena. The power of our prayer is growing each day!! You don’t want to miss it! Join us live at ! Just click on the top window, the Channel!

Here is a description of what happened last night, June 18:

Apparition Hill was filled again last night for the 3rd day of the Novena Prayer for the 43rd Anniversary of Our Lady’s coming to Medjugorje! It was warm and dark, but the people found their way to the area around the Statue of Our Lady, and all were seated somehow on the rugged stones. There was an atmosphere of joy and expectation on the Hill!

Notably, there was a bishop in our midst last night, a bishop from Ukraine. He prayed so intensely the entire time, and led a decade of the Rosary. It was a great honor to be in his presence. (You can see him in the picture above, next to Marija during the apparition.)

When Marija joined the crowd, she greeted them this way:

“Our third day of the 9 day novena,! Welcome to all, not only you (here) but all you who are concerned in prayer!”

Marija seemed to recognize that there were many people who could not be physically present on Apparition Hill, but were definitely spiritually present through the live stream of this event on Mary TV, or who were praying during this time from afar.

Marija and the translators then led us in the Joyful and Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary, along with many joyful songs of praise. The time flew by, and it was 11:30 pm and time for Our Lady’s visit.

Our Lady appeared to Marija for a long while. Marija always looks to deeply touched by Our Lady’s presence. Finally, Our Lady departed. Then Marija described Our Lady’s visit to us:

Tonight, at the time of apparition, Gospa thanked us and asked us to come in an even greater number. She prayed the whole time for peace in our hearts, in our families, and in the whole world. She blessed us all. She prayed in her motherly language. Today is the third day that Gospa prayed in the Aramaic language, that has never happened before. Gospa blessed us and went to heaven.

Even though her message was serious, it seemed clear that Our Lady injected a deep joy into the hearts of us all. Her blessing is powerful! So powerful that everyone stayed for the Glorious Mysteries at the end of that long day! No one wanted to leave!!

But finally, the night ended as the bishop’s blessed everyone and then people broke into extra prayers, and Marija said very joyfully, “We go down the mountain now singing and praying!”

Truly, it was a night filled with grace. This Novena is very powerful! Join us today for Day 4 of the 43rd Anniversary Novena with Marija on Mary TV!

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

Cathy Nolan

Mary TV

Mary TV. Inc. |

“Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world.”

St. John Paul II

Be Connected!

Mary TV | P.O. Box 899 | Notre Dame, IN 46556 US

June 15th, 2024

Happy Father’s Day

The Flame of Love US Movement is eternally grateful to our Spiritual Fathers, who spread the Flame of Love to their flock.


We wish to thank Monsignor Ralph Cheiffo, who has lovingly served as the US Spiritual Advisor for the past 10 years.

Monsignor has impacted countless souls with his preaching, leadership, joy, humor, wisdom and docility to God’s Holy Will. Please pray for Monsignor Chieffo and for the providential and tender care of Jesus and Mary in his golden years of retirement. WE LOVE YOU MONSIGNOR!!

Read Reflections from Monsignor Chieffo Father’s Day Blog Post from International Director John Sullivan

NEW Video

” His FIRE becomes our Fire!” Fr. Robert offers an inspired homily during a Flame of Love Retreat in California, June 9th, 2024

Pray for Priests

We encourage you to continue your prayers for Priests,

in this Month of the Sacred Heart.

Prayer Bouquets can be offered anytime and will enflame a priests heart with your love and encouragement.

DOWNLOAD a Priests Spiritual Bouquet Card

The Blazing Trail to the Eucharistic Congress

Pilgrims become Torchbearers as they IGNITE the Flame of Love to Indianapolis at Eucharist Rallies across the Nation! Become a spark in the wildfire as a Rally Captain! We have resources available…

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JOIN US for Regional Events

* EAST Conference in Malvern PA is SOLD OUT*

CLICK on image to join us live on YouTube…

US National Prayer Cenacle 

June 18th at 8pm ET


Join us in prayer every 3rd Tuesday of the Month at 8pm ET for our families, and our Nation. UNITED in prayer, satan will be blinded!

Maryland State Flame of Love Rosary

June 25th at 7pm ET


Flame of Love Holy Hour for MOTHERS

June 27th 10am ET

4th Thursday of each month

For the Little Sparks

DOWNLOAD, PRINT and COLOR for Father’s Day!

“Let this desire for souls burn in all of you. Be not of little faith. Remember what I told you: If you need strong support, say ‘Father, I need Your strong, fatherly support.’ He will extend His strong, fatherly arm. Take courage and grab His arm, not only you, but all those souls that I entrust to you.”

Pg. 65 Full Diary

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Copyright © 2024
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Movement USA

Our mailing address is:
Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Movement Philadelphia
PO Box 201
Haverford, PA 19041

Our Lady calls for a Novena of Prayer for Peace!

June 16, 2024

Dear Family of Mary!

We have just received this message from Father Leon who is the Chaplain in Medjugorje for the English speaking people.

He said:

“Tonight, during Our Lady’s apparition to the visionary Marija, Our Lady invited us to pray the rosary from tomorrow at 10 pm on Apparition Hill at Our Lady’s statue, where there will also be an apparition every evening during the Novena to the Queen of Peace. Our Lady’s apparition will be at 11:30 p.m. Our Lady asked that in this Novena that we pray for peace in the world.

“Come, let us respond to Our Lady’s call.

“So, wherever we are in the world maybe we can unite in prayer and try to pray the rosary together for Peace as Our Lady is calling us. And wherever we are also we can pray during the apparition time and unite ourselves to the apparition. I know when we are in Medjugorje Our Lady says during the evening program when she is appearing on earth, that if we thank God for allowing her to be coming to this earth and we are really praying with the heart that we receive the same graces as if we were right there present at that apparition.

Marija then described her encounter with Our Lady through a translator:

“During the moments of the Apparition, Marija recommended all of us, all of our intentions, whatever we hold in our hearts, all of our sacrifices and all of the prayers we have prayed for peace. Our Lady extended her hands above us, and she prayed over us in her own motherly language of Aramaic for a long time. Our Lady asked us to come tomorrow in an even greater number, because she needs our prayer. She blessed us all as she left for Heaven.” (June 17, 2024 apparition)

“So, find out what 10:00 pm Medjugorje time is for you:

1:00 pm Pacific time,

2:00 pm Mountain time,

3:00 pm central time

4:00 pm Eastern time.”

(Fr. Leon)

Mary TV has been given permission by Marija to stream this time of prayer on Apparition Hill, including the apparition, LIVE each night starting today (Sunday, June 16, 2024). Fr. Leon’s time table is correct for the Western Hemisphere.

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

Cathy Nolan

(c) Mary TV 2024

Mary TV. Inc. |

“Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world.”

St. John Paul II

Be Connected!

Mary TV | P.O. Box 899 | Notre Dame, IN 46556 US

© Children of Medjugorje 2024

Permission is given to use the text of these reports under two conditions:

1) No words are changed, 2) “Children of Medjugorje” is cited along with our website:

Medjugorje, June 14, 2024

Dear friends, praise be to Jesus and Mary!

1. On May 25, 2024, the visionary, Marija, received the following monthly message:

Dear children! In this time of grace, I am calling you to prayer with the heart. Little children, create prayer groups where you will encourage each other to the good and grow in joy. Little children, you are still far away. For this reason, continue to convert anew and choose the way of holiness and hope so that God may give you peace in abundance. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

2. The 43rd anniversary of the apparitions is approaching, hallelujah!

It dawned on me that I could do something special for the Blessed Mother this year, and I am sure that you will be happy with this idea! Above all, I hope that you will take an active part in this prayer, out of love for her and in gratitude for the immense work she has been doing for us, her children, since June 24, 1981. From Heaven, she clearly sees the state of the world today, and more than ever, she is seeking us out. Why is she so anxiously looking for us? Because she is in need – in need of true Apostles of her love, in need of true collaborators in her work! She wants us to help her hasten her plans for peace! There is too much suffering and hatred on earth, and who can imagine what her motherly heart is enduring!? She came to ease our pains, and so we too want to console her and do our best to bring joy to her Heart.

That is why I wrote a Novena for her, knowing that she loves novenas, especially when prayed with the heart. Didn’t she herself guide the first Christian novena, in the Upper Room, to prepare the apostles for the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost? Today, she is preparing us for the second coming of her Son, in His glory, as Saint John the Baptist prepared the world for His first coming on earth.

I really like the wonderful expression a friend of mine gives the humble and fervent prayer groups that Mary recommends that we create: “They are the landing runway for the return of Jesus in His glory!

With immense gratitude to Our Lady, let us unite and offer her this Novena! The love with which we will pray to her will not only be a balm for her heart, but also a gift that she will use to spread those graces of which she has the secret. She will help her most wounded children, and those who are crushed in these troubled times of today! These are graces that will protect us from evil, since she warned us last month that “Satan is strong, and his strength is becoming stronger every day.” How often has she encouraged us to pray to defeat evil!? “If you knew the value of the smallest of your prayers,” she told us, “You would be praying without ceasing!”

3. This new Novena will begin on June 16th, and end on June 24th. The entire novena can be found

on our website

and here our youtube chanel

but you will receive an audio message from us every day with the specific prayer for the next day. We have prepared a short video that will help you dive into this Novena. Hopefully you will feel inspired to extend the impact of this prayer by encouraging your family and friends to participate in it.

4. Here is how the novena works. Each day, we will pick a different theme, from the topics that are dear to Mary’s Heart.

A – Begin with invoking the Holy Spirit with the Veni Creator (or another hymn of our choice)

B – Read the Bible verse suggested, on the theme of the day, and meditate on it.

C – Read and reread Mary’s message, on the theme of the day.

D – Respond as best we can to Mary’s invitation contained in the message.

E – Read the prayer to Mary composed especially for that day,

F – End with a song of our choice e.g. Ave Maria, Magnificat, etc. Of course, any spontaneous prayer from your heart will be welcome! (The length of each day’s prayer is less than 3 minutes long).

On our website we have posted several Bible verses and several messages for each day, so if you look at it, you will find a wide variety of quotations so that you may choose the best one for you.

It goes without saying that during these 9 days before the Anniversary, we are also invited to make a good and sincere confession, to live the Mass and Holy Communion with fervor, to pray the Rosary with the heart… in short, to express our unconditional adherence to Our Lady and her maternal advice. If you cannot pray this novena during these days, you can do it leading up to another Marian feast, but do not wait too long because, as Saint Teresa of Avila said, “the world is on fire!”

5. Always happy? Before concluding, I want to thank everyone who heard my little exhortation about not complaining at all for 24 hours! The testimonies are very touching! The idea is to replace every complaint, every lamentation, with a blessing. In the world, we have become accustomed to grumbling about little nothings, and complaining about the slightest thing we don’t like. But do we know that every complaint pleases our enemy, Satan, and weakens our soul?

On the contrary, if we decide to be vigilant at all times, we will take it to heart to bless the Lord for all that He gives us and also for all that He takes from us. Great are the graces that heaven offers us then, because this vigilance of the heart pleases God greatly. We allow it to beautify and enrich our souls. I know a Croatian family that decided to never complain, and never speak ill of others. This is admirable! It is not always easy, but after a sustained effort for 24 hours, we will find that our heart is filled with peace, to the point of wishing to extend our effort in the future…

Mary herself tells us not to talk about evil, because it makes it happen. But talking about good dissolves the power of evil. (Message received by Vicka). This is something we can all do to help heal the world!

6. Helping to Live or Helping to Die? Here is a testimony that is unlikely to be broadcast on television!

Rosa, from Italy, had a very tough time during her life. She married a man who turned out to be a drug addict, and together they had a little son, Leonardo, who had a heart condition that required significant care. Then the couple broke up. Rosa later met Federico and started a new life with him. He already had 3 children, whom Rosa took care of like a mother. Then Rosa conceived another child, a little girl, who was born in the hospital. But the baby became very sick, and soon died. Rosa will never know what really happened to her daughter in the hospital.

She was so used to suffering, that she didn’t show how broken hearted she was by the loss of her daughter. Then she conceived another child, which reactivated her pain from the loss of her daughter. She could no longer overcome this string of trauma! She then made the firm decision to have an abortion. For her, this was irrevocable, even though Federico wanted to keep the child.

Rosa, who was naturally so sweet, started speaking very harshly to one of my friends, Chiara, who had been accompanying her for some time with a deep affection, both materially and spiritually, to help her get through all these trials. But nothing helped! Rosa remained deaf to any positive word about the immense gift that heaven was offering her through this new little being that she was carrying within her. Chiara was banging her head against a brick wall. She then resorted to the famous prayer of Don Dolindo Ruotolo (The Padre Pio of Naples), “Jesus, I surrender myself to You, you take over! I am done, I can do no more!”

Suddenly, she had a bright idea: Chiara decided to talk to the father of the child, Federico, who was so willing to keep the child. Chiara and Federico spent hours and hours on the phone, and Federico would always share with Rosa the words from Chiara. He agreed with her with all his fatherly heart. Chiara and Federico fought desperately, knowing that an innocent life was at stake. How many tears were shed on both sides of the phone line!

A few days later, the news broke out…! “Madame Chiara, Rosa doesn’t want an abortion anymore!” Oh, Jesus, how great you are! How great is your love!

Four months after the baby was born, Chiara went to visit Rosa, and saw her laughing and so full of joy with her little girl. It was a marvelous sight! Mother and daughter looked at each other with intense love, an endless love! Rosa then said to Chiara:

“You see, this little creature saved my life! 

  • Video

7. Our next live broadcast in French will be on june 26th at 9pm.

The May 26th commentary was broadcast here:

8. Not to be missed, the audio version of my monthly reports.

9. SPOTIFY! A very practical tool! Don’t miss the opportunity to listen to the selection of talks I have given to date, to help us walk together towards the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary!

Online catechesis, audio version (it is not necessary to have Spotify).

Dearest Gospa, Mother of Life, you are the cause of our joy! You are our refuge and consolation in the tempests! You are a huge source of hope for us! On this 43rd Anniversary of your apparitions, we want to give ourselves without reserve to your maternal embrace! We dream to unite the beating of our hearts to the beating of your Immaculate Heart, until our last day, when you come to pick us up and offer us to your Son Jesus.

Sister Emmanuel, Community of the Beatitudes

Translated from French

“Thy Face, Lord, do I seek.”

Thy Face, Lord, do I seek.”

June 14, 2024

Dear Family of Mary!

The Psalm for today’s Mass is very beautiful. It is the plea of a soul for God. Here is part of it:

Psalm 27

Hear, O Lord, when I cry aloud,

be gracious to me and answer me!

Thou has said “Seek ye my face.”

My heart says to thee,

“Thy face, Lord, do I seek” (Ps 27: 7-8)

In our deepest heart, we all long to see the face of the Lord. He made us for Himself! We are His!

Our Lady gave us a beautiful message about this longing for the face of God, through Mirjana Soldo.

November 2, 2019

“Dear children,

my beloved Son always prayed

and glorified the Heavenly Father.

He always said everything to Him

and trusted in His will.

This is what you, my children, should also do,

because the Heavenly Father always listens to His children.

One heart in one heart –

love, light and life.

The Heavenly Father gave Himself

through a human face,

and this face is the face of my Son.

You, apostles of my love,

you should always carry the face of my Son

in your hearts and your thoughts.

You should always think of His love and His sacrifice.

You should pray to always feel His presence,

because, apostles of my love,

that is the way for you to help

all those who do not know my Son,

who have not come to know His love.

My children, read the book of the Gospel.

It is always something new,

it is what binds you to my Son

who was born to bring the words of life

to all of my children

and to sacrifice Himself for all.

Apostles of my love,

carried by the love for my Son,

bring love and peace to all of your brothers.

Judge no one.

Love everyone

according to the love for my Son.

In this way, you will also be caring for your soul,

and it [your soul] is that which is most precious,

which truly belongs to you.

Thank you.”

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

Cathy Nolan

(c) Mary TV 2024

PS!!!  From Saturday, June 15, 2024 to Sunday, June 23, 2024, the Parish of St. James will climb Apparition Hill every day at 4:00 pm, praying a Novena in honor of the Apparitions of Our Lady in Medjugorje. Mary TV will stream that time of prayer, live, each day. Since the Daily Rosary is usually at 4:00 pm each day, we will instead pray the Daily Rosary combined with the Hour of Mercy all together from 3:00 to 4:00pm.

So here is the schedule for Saturday, June 15 to Sunday, June 23, 2024:

3:00 PM Medj time: Daily Rosary plus Divine Mercy with Denis and Cathy

4:00 PM Medj time: Anniversary Novena / Climb up Apparition Hill with the Parish

Mary TV. Inc. |

“Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world.”

St. John Paul II

Be Connected!

Mary TV | P.O. Box 899 | Notre Dame, IN 46556 US Pro-Life News Report

Thursday, June 13, 2024

 To read the news, visit

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Democrats Try to Shut Down Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers

Our Laws Should Protect Pregnant Women and Unborn Children From Abortions

Abortionists Care More About Selling Abortions Than Women


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Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event? Don’t have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.

Indiana Sees Incredible 98% Drop in Abortions Thanks to Abortion Ban

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Reconcile with the Heavenly Father…

June 13, 2024

St. Anthony of Padua

Dear Family of Mary!

March 18, 2013 (to Mirjana)

“Dear children!

I call you to, with complete trust and joy,

bless the name of the Lord

and, day by day, to give Him thanks

from the heart for His great love.

My Son, through that love which He showed by the Cross,

gave you the possibility to be forgiven for everything;

so that you do not have to be ashamed or to hide,

and out of fear not to open the door of your heart to my Son.

To the contrary, my children,

reconcile with the Heavenly Father

so that you may be able to come to love yourselves

as my Son loves you.

When you come to love yourselves,

you will also love others;

in them you will see my Son

and recognize the greatness of His love.

Live in faith!

Through me, my Son is preparing you

for the works which He desires to do through you –

works through which He desires to be glorified.

Give Him thanks.

Especially thank Him for the shepherds –

for your intercessors in the reconciliation

with the Heavenly Father.

I am thanking you, my children. Thank you.”

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

Cathy Nolan

(c) Mary TV 2024

Mary TV. Inc. |

“Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world.”

St. John Paul II

Be Connected!

Mary TV | P.O. Box 899 | Notre Dame, IN 46556 US

Arkansas is Creating a Memorial to Honor the 65 Million Babies Killed in Abortions Pro-Life News Report

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

 To read the news, visit

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Andrew Cuomo Faces Hearing for Killing Thousands of Nursing Home Residents

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Indiana Sees Incredible 98% Drop in Abortions Thanks to Abortion Ban

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Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event? Don’t have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.

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To Thee, O Lord, I lift up my eyes…

June 11, 2024

Dear Family of Mary!

Today’s Psalm is a beautiful one. It is all about the complete trust that we should have in the Lord and His Mercy.

Ps. 123: 1-2

“To thee, O Lord, I lift up my eyes.

O Thou who art enthroned in the heavens!

Behold, as the eyes of servants

look to the hand of their master.

As the eyes of a maid

to the hand of her mistress,

so our eyes look to the Lord our God,

till He have mercy upon us….” (Ps 123: 1-2)

This lovely Psalm portrays the wonder and grace of our personal prayer. The kind of prayer in which we gaze upon the Lord who is our only hope, and find great peace in that gazing. Our Lady describes this kind of prayer in the message below:

July 25, 2001

“Dear children!

In this time of grace,

I call you to come even closer to God

through your personal prayer.

Make good use of the time of rest

and give your soul and your eyes rest in God.

Find peace in nature

and you will discover God the Creator,

Whom you will be able to give thanks to for all creatures;

then you will find joy in your heart.

Thank you for having responded to my call.”

May we all take some time today and just gaze upon the Lord as the servant who gazes upon the hand of his Master, like the gaze of the maid whose eyes gaze upon the hand of her mistress. We are safe in the hands of our God…

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

Cathy Nolan

(c) Mary TV 2024

Mary TV. Inc. |

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“Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world.”

St. John Paul II

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