Posting Roman Catholic & Pro-Life News & Views

Monthly Archives: July 2010

  • Written by
    Operation Rescue
  • Posted July 20, 2010 at 11:27 am

commentary reveals that many women are under-informed about pregnancy,
and those who receive information are less likely to abort.

By Cheryl Sullenger

a saying that ignorance is bliss, and apparently that is the motto that
the abortion cartel lives by. Abortionists in Nebraska and Oklahoma
have challenged abortion regulations that were meant to give women as
much information as possible and help identify risk factors that may
cause women to double-think their abortion decisions.

Laws like
these are bad for the abortion business, and a recent conversation with
the director of a pregnancy resource center next door to Operation
Rescue’s national headquarters supports that assertion.

In fact, what she tells us is shocking.

just don’t know,” the director tells us. Women she sees every day are
unaware of the development of the babies inside their wombs. She says
that they are surprised to learn that the heart is beating or that their
baby in the first trimester has arms and legs, fingers and toes, or
that their baby is already a boy or a girl.

Newman has produced a 1-minute radio spot concerning this topic for his “Take a Minute for Life” program that airs regularly on the Bott Radio Network.

want women to have as little information as possible because when women
discover the truth about their baby and the risk factors that abortion
presents to women, they are less likely to get abortions. And that
means more money out of the pockets of an abortion cartel that is facing
a dwindling demand for their services.

That is particularly true
when it comes to pre-abortion ultrasound legislation. Some statistics
show that 85 percent of abortion-minded women who view their baby’s
image on ultrasound will not go through with the abortion.

industry that loses 85 percent of their business is not going to
survive,” said Newman. “They have a vested interest in concealing the
truth from women. They prey on those who are not fully informed and are
therefore vulnerable. Women’s advocacy groups should be outraged that
pregnant women are exploited in this manner.”

The Center for
Reproductive Rights, a legal group that works to insulate abortionists
from having to comply with the law, argued in Oklahoma argued that the
legislature voted to “abuse” women by requiring them to view an
ultrasound of their baby prior to an abortion.

“It is ludicrous to
say that educating women is abuse. This just illustrates how desperate
they are to keep women in the dark and easy prey for an abortion cartel
that literally banks on women having as little information as
possible,” said Newman.

While the abortionists in Nebraska and
Oklahoma have won round one concerning their current abortion laws,
there is no doubt that the truth will eventually win out.

In fact,
Nebraska one abortion law went into effect last week that bans
abortions after 21 weeks, when a baby is known to feel pain.

is fear and reluctance by abortionists to tackle this law because there
is a good possibility they could lose at the Supreme Court level, and
that would redefine the way abortion is regulated, and could even erode
Roe v. Wade, either partially or completely,” said Newman. “They know
that the tide is turning against them and, as a recent New York Times article reported, it startles them.”

is indeed becoming more pro-life as more information about the pre-born
baby and the appalling state of the nation’s abortion mills becomes
public. State legislators are starting to get it, and are doing what
they can to protect women from abortion exploitation. Eventually the
local judiciaries will catch up. And when all women are given free
access to the truth, the end of abortion will not be far behind.

Matt C. Abbott column
Yes, life is a highway – -so support ‘Choose Life’ license plates!

Matt C. Abbott
Matt C. Abbott
July 20, 2010

Veteran pro-life activist Jim Finnegan, president of Illinois Choose Life, would never think of waving the white flag when it comes to fighting the pervasive culture of death.

God bless him.

Jim’s main endeavor since 2002 has been an attempt to get the State of Illinois to approve the use of a specialty license plate whose sales would provide financial aid to organizations that promote adoption.

"Trips to the capitol to make this a reality occurred during 2002, 2003 and 2004 — with no success," says Jim. "In fact, not even a hearing, let alone an up or down vote, on the plate itself. The Choose Life plate remains the only specialty plate refused a hearing and vote in Illinois."

Jim and Illinois Choose Life sued at the federal level and prevailed initially, but the state appealed and, sad to say, the state’s appeal was successful. Illinois Choose Life’s attorney, Tom Brejcha (of the Thomas More Society), did appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, but the court refused to hear the case.

Still, Jim is determined to pursue and exhaust every peaceful and legal means possible to get Illinois — the Midwest’s abortion dumping ground — to approve the pro-life, pro-adoption license plate.

Says Jim:

"We will wait, hope and pray for major changes to occur in November — in particular, the election of Bill Brady over pro-abortion Governor Pat Quinn. After the elections we will renew our efforts to add the Choose Life plate to Illinois. At the present time, 25 states have approved the plate and another 14 are working toward approval.

"We will succeed if enough people support our effort. It truly is as simple as that."

Those who wish to contact Jim Finnegan can e-mail him at jimpfinn@[no spam]

Matt C. Abbott is a Catholic columnist with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication, Media and Theatre from Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago, and an Associate in Applied Science degree in Business Management from Triton College in River Grove, Ill. He has worked in the right-to-life movement and is a published writer focused on Catholic and social issues. He can be reached at


July 16, 2010

Hail, holy Queen enthroned above, O Maria.
Hail, Queen of mercy and of love, O Maria.

Triumph, all ye cherubim, Sing with us, ye seraphim,
Heaven and earth resound the hymn:
Salve, salve, salve Regina!

Our life, our sweetness, here below, O Maria!
Our hope in sorrow and in woe, O Maria!

Triumph, all ye cherubim, Sing with us, ye seraphim,
Heaven and earth resound the hymn:
Salve, salve, salve Regina!

To thee we cry, poor sons of Eve, O Maria!
To thee we sigh, we mourn, we grieve, O Maria!

Triumph, all ye cherubim, Sing with us, ye seraphim,
Heaven and earth resound the hymn:
Salve, salve, salve Regina!

Turn then most gracious Advocate, O Maria!
Toward us thine eyes compassionate, O Maria!

Triumph, all ye cherubim, Sing with us, ye seraphim,
Heaven and earth resound the hymn:
Salve, salve, salve Regina!

The cause of joy to men below, O Maria!
The spring through which all graces flow, O Maria!

Angels, all your praises bring, Earth and heaven, with us sing,
All creation echoing:
Salve, salve, salve Regina!

***This is NOT Jesus

Send your instant

against a T.V. series that will show ‘Jesus’ hanging out with
prostitutes and trying drugs and homosexual sin.

Dear Friends,

According to press reports, a potential new
series called ‘JC’ on Comedy Central
will show ‘Jesus’:

•    hanging out with prostitutes
•    experimenting with drugs and homosexual sin

•    killing gangbangers in street fights

•    looking like a deracinated, cynical city

Then, God the Father will be
shown as being a lazy, video g a m e playing fanatic who neglects his
son.  In turn, Jesus is distant from his dysfunctional father, and
tries to become a regular guy in the Big Apple.

This is an unacceptable mockery of God and
everything we hold sacred.

approval at Comedy Central for ‘JC’ is pending, please:

Send your instant
and respectful e-protest message


Blatant Double Standard

Time and time again, Comedy Central has
canceled shows that offend the Muslim community.

Yet they allow Our Lord Jesus Christ to be

For example, Comedy Central has
presented Our Lord in a sick, twisted manner:

•    gawking at online pornography

•    defecating on former President Bush and on the
American flag

•    cutting his own neck

Why is Our Lord insulted? And Mohammed respected?

This is a blatant double standard that you and
I cannot accept.

Take Action

Send your instant
e-protest message
NOW to
Comedy Central

 CEO, Doug Herzog.

Thank you for defending Our Lord Jesus Christ
when so many Catholics sit in the comfort-zone and DO NOTHING for the

Sincerely in Jesus and Mary,

Robert E. Ritchie
America Needs Fatima

P.S. Thank you for joining this
spiritual crusade to defend the honor of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

If you would like to offer Our Lord another act
of reparation for the terrible sins of blasphemy, please consider joining
Public Square Rosary Crusade

Rosary R a l l y
a red rose will be sent to
Fatima in your name

send a white rose to

Thank you and may God bless you!

Comedy Central
1775 B r o a
d w a y

New York, NY 10019
Phone: 212-767-8600



When contacting Comedy Central, please be polite, but


Tegucigalpa (Agenzia Fides) – Aimed at teaching the principal
values of life to youngsters from an early age this year’s annual
‘Children’s Campaign’, promoted by the Catholic Church in Honduras is
reaching out to thousands of children in schools and catechism groups.
The seven week Campaign it is expected to involve an estimated 250,00
children with more than 11,000 teachers and 860 participating schools
said Bishop Angel Garachana of the diocese of San Pedro Sula. The
Campaign, launched on 5 July, and will end in the last week of August.
The theme this year is "The Values of Life".
“Through children we reach the family ” Bishop Garachana explained,
adding that in situations of violence and insecurity it is necessary to
create entirely new attitudes, planting seeds of trust and justice in
order to build neighbourhoods of harmony and peace. This year’s theme –
"The Values of Life" – is very important, "because respect for life is a
sort of nucleus around which many other values rotate because, we might
say, it is the core value which is most frequently offended and
violated " said Bishop Garachana.
The root of the crisis of values, of violence, of social injustice, can
be traced back to a lack of respect for the sacred value of life, of the
human person, every human person. “If people are exploited, the
vulnerable are abused, workers see their rights trampled, there is no
respect for life and people kill other people, it is because the
sacredness, the value of human life, of the human person as such, has
been lost” the Bishop concluded. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 19/7/2010)

Children’s Campaign page – Diocese of San Padre Sula: (info including material) Pro-Life News Report
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit

Current Headlines

General Koop Urges No Vote on Kagan Based on Abortion Manipulation
Obama Has Spent $23 Million Backing Pro-Abortion Kenya Constitution

Approval Lowest of Any Recent Supreme Court Pick Before Cmte Vote

Obama Admin Would Have Funded Abortions in HCR Without Expose’

Opposing Pro-Abortion Elena Kagan Gets 8K Signatures, Sent to Senate

Figures in U.S. Increase Thanks to Adoptions After Haiti Earthquake

Abortions Drop 14% in 2009 to Record Low Despite Poor Economy
Pennsylvania Poll: Pro-Life
Pat Toomey Still Leads Pro-Abortion Joe Sestak
Ohio Republicans Ask Gov. Strickland to Stop Abortion
Funding in Health Care

Planned Parenthood Should be Subject to State Audit, Pro-Life Group Says

Voters Could Replace Pro-Abortion Senator Patty Murray, Poll Shows

News: University, Victoria, Oklahoma, Alaska, Abortion, Austin, Texas

your pro-life group or pregnancy center looking for an affordable speaker? Need
a speaker for a conference, convention, church presentation or on short notice?
Consider Editor Steven Ertelt. Email
for details.

General Koop Urges No Vote on Kagan Based on Abortion Manipulation

DC ( — Former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop has written
an extensive letter to members of the Senate calling for a no vote on the
Supreme Court nomination of Elena Kagan. The letter focuses attention on
the Clinton administration memos Kagan authored showing her attempting to
manipulate abortion opinion.

Koop refers to the ways in which Kagan influenced the language of a 1997
statement by American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists on partial-birth

ACOG found no occasion in which the three-day-long abortion procedure is
medically necessary for women, Kagan pressured ACOG to include language
saying there may be instances where it is and the Supreme Court eventually
relied on that language to overturn state bans on the abortion procedure.

eventually kept partial-birth abortions legal for several years longer until
the Supreme Court reversed itself when considering a national ban Congress
approved with medical findings that partial-birth abortions are medically

In his
letter, Koop calls "unethical" and "disgraceful" Kagan’s
effort to persuade the medical group to change its expert opinion to conform
to her political demands.

was willing to replace a medical statement with a political statement that
was not supported by any existing medical data," writes Koop.

"Kagan’s political language, a direct result of the amendment she made
to ACOG’s Policy Statement, made its way into American jurisprudence and
misled federal courts for the next decade," he said.

Full story at

Obama Has Spent $23 Million Backing Pro-Abortion Kenya Constitution

DC ( — A new report issued by the Inspector General (IG)
for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) reveals the Obama
administration has spent over $23 million for activities in Kenya to influence
voters there to support a new constitution that would allow virtually unlimited

nation currently protects women and unborn children from abortions, but
a constitution voters will consider on August 4 would change the historic
pro-life laws of the African nation.

Chris Smith, a key pro-life congressman who is the Ranking Member of the
Africa and Global Health Subcommittee, has been working with other lawmakers
and the IG s office to investigate grants the Obama administration
has provided to Kenyan groups promoting the Yes vote campaign for the new

In a
new report Smith released to on Friday, he says U.S. taxpayers
are now footing the bill for those pro-abortion efforts to the tune of $23
million, far above previous estimates.

estimates had indicated that $2 million was being spent, then that was updated
to $11 million and now the figure identified by the IG s office exceeds
$23 million, he said.

Obama Administration should not be spending $23 million in American tax
dollars on the specific Yes campaign, pushing a determined outcome
on the proposed constitution in Kenya, Smith said.

U.S. government can be supportive of the process, helping to secure a free
and fair referendum. But we must respect the Kenyan people and let them
decide for themselves. U.S. dollars should not be used to tell the Kenyan
people how to vote," he added.
Full story at

Approval Lowest of Any Recent Supreme Court Pick Before Cmte Vote

DC ( — A new Gallup poll shows just a plurality of Americans
support Elena Kagan’s nomination to the Supreme Court. The new survey also finds
support for the pro-abortion Solicitor General is lower than the support for
any recent previous Supreme Court nominee days before their committee vote.

Kagan will
receive a vote from the Senate Judiciary Committee this week and Gallup shows
just 44 percent of Americans support her nomination compared with 34 percent
who opposed her.

That 10
percent net approval is lower than the 46-32 percent split and 14 percent net
approval Gallup found in May.

Among the
general public, a majority of self-identified Democrats, 68%, favor Kagan’s
confirmation, compared with 43% of independents and 21% of Republicans. A majority
of Republicans, 60%, are opposed.

But Gallup
also found Kagan is not striking a chord with the public compared with prior

confirmed, Kagan would be the first successful nominee in recent years whose
nomination was backed by less than a majority of Americans in the final poll
before the Senate confirmation vote," the polling firm noted.

A higher
percentage of Americans backed pro-abortion Sonia Sotomayor, 55 percent, Samuel
Alito, 54 percent, John Roberts, 60 percent, pro-abortion Ruth Bader Ginsburg,
50 percent, and Clarence Thomas, 58 percent.
Full story at

Obama Admin Would Have Funded Abortions in HCR Without Expose’

DC ( — Last week, the Obama administration came under heavy
fire from a pro-life group that discovered,
three states
, officials had approved paying for abortions under new high
risk insurance programs created under the national health care law President
Barack Obama signed.

The National
Right to Life Committee
the abortion funding
and the Obama administration responded at first by
claiming the executive order Obama signed prohibits the funding NRLC uncovered.

Then, Obama
officials revised the statement to say
the high risk insurance programs would not fund abortions in Pennsylvania,
New Mexico, Maryland or any
other states.

Johnson, the legislative director for the National Right to Life Committee who
uncovered the abortion funding, reviewed last week’s back and forth with

He said
the dustup proves the point his organization and other pro-life groups made
that the health care bill funded abortions, the executive order was insufficient
to prevent that, abortion funding would have happened without NRLC exposing
it, and the public will have to take the Obama administration at its word that
abortion funding will not occur in the future.

the assurances that were offered in March by certain congressional Democrats,
and by their guardians among the interest groups, that the final health care
bill contained adequate pro-life safeguards, were patently false. All the major
pro-abortion groups are now openly proclaiming what National Right to Life said
all along — neither the law Obama signed, nor his executive order on abortion,
prohibit federal funding of abortion in the high-risk program," Johnson
Full story at

Opposing Pro-Abortion Elena Kagan Gets 8K Signatures, Sent to Senate

DC ( — A petition co-sponsored by Students for Life of
America and opposing the nomination of Elena Kagan for the
Supreme Court, ultimately received almost 8,000 signatures. SFLA officials
took copies of the signatures today to members of the Senate for whom they
were intended.

afternoon, pro-life students are hand-delivering the 7,800 petitions a day
before the Senate Judiciary Committee is slated to vote on her confirmation.

does not need another activist justice on the Supreme Court, but rather
one who respects the Constitution and individual rights, including those
of the pre-born," SFLA director Kristan Hawkins remarked. "Confirming
Kagan could mean 30 more years of legalized abortion in the United States
even though a majority of Americans are now pro-life.

complained that, while working for the Clinton Administration, Kagan was
a strong advocate for partial birth abortion and cloning — going so far
as to change scientific data to influence President Clinton to veto the
partial-birth abortion ban.

signing the petition told their senators: "I urge you to oppose President
Obama s nomination of Elena Kagan for U.S. Supreme Court Justice. As
a pro-life citizen, I believe that the pro-choice Ms. Kagan is the wrong
choice for a U.S. Supreme Court Justice."
Full story at

Figures in U.S. Increase Thanks to Adoptions After Haiti Earthquake

DC ( — Due to the increased attention about adoptions
resulting from January’s earthquake crisis in Haiti and other external factors,
Bethany Christian Services says it is seeing significant growth and interest
in the U.S. adoption market.

large adoption agency says overall international and domestic adoption placements
are up 26 percent over the same time period in 2009.

pro-life movement has promoted adoption for decades along with parenting
as one of the positive alternatives for women considering abortion.

organization is reporting intercountry adoption placements are up 66 percent
and similar adoption inquiries are ahead by more than 5,000 requests during
the same six month time period of 2009. That totals an unprecedented 10,567
inquiries during that time period.

ascribes these increases in part to the Haiti crisis and the need to find
safe homes for children who lost one or both parents during the earthquake.

figures Bethany released show strong improvement as we confront the global
orphan crisis, but the need still remains as there are still an incredible
number of orphaned children who wait for their ‘forever family’," said
Bill Blacquiere, president of Bethany Christian Services.
Full story at

Abortions Drop 14% in 2009 to Record Low Despite Poor Economy

MI ( — The poor economic conditions in Michigan were supposed
to elevate the number of abortions, but recently-released statistics from
the Michigan Department of Community Health reveal otherwise. The number
of abortions performed in Michigan decreased in 2009.

report shows 22,357 abortions done in Michigan during 2009 compared to 25,970
Michigan abortions reported in 2008, a drop of 13.9 percent or 3,613 abortions.

1987, there has been a 54.4 percent decrease in the number of abortions
done in Michigan annually and they have decreased in four of the last six

number of abortions performed in 2009 represents the lowest annual total
of reported abortions in Michigan since abortion businesses were required
to start reporting information in 1979.

to Life of Michigan president Barbara Listing told she is ecstatic
about the news.

are extremely grateful for the continuing decrease in Michigan abortions
despite the hard economic times we’ve faced in Michigan," she said.
"The fact that fewer mothers are having abortions in Michigan shows
more and more women are coming to the realization that abortion is not the
answer for an unplanned pregnancy."
Full story at

Poll: Pro-Life Pat Toomey Still Leads Pro-Abortion Joe Sestak

PA ( — The new numbers in the high-profile Pennsylvania
Senate race remain relatively unchanged from last month — which means pro-life
candidate Pat Toomey continues to lead pro-abortion candidate Joe Sestak.
This is one of several Senate races that provide pro-life advocates with
a potential pickup.

winner will replace pro-abortion. Sen Arlen Specter, whom Sesak defeated
in the Democratic primary earlier this year.

latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters shows Toomey
with 45% support, while Sestak earns 38% of the vote. Six percent back another
candidate and 12 percent are undecided.

month, Toomey held a near-identical 45% to 39% lead and that consistency
in the results leads pollster Scott Rasmnussen to say the race is stabilizing
in Toomey’s favor.

fact, except for a brief surge after his mid-May victory over incumbent
Arlen Specter in the state s Democratic Senate Primary, support for
Sestak has remained in the 36% to 40% range in matchups with Toomey back
to February. In those same surveys, Toomey has received 42% to 47% of the
vote," he said.
Full story at

Republicans Ask Gov. Strickland to Stop Abortion Funding in Health Care

OH ( — In the wake of a dustup last week that saw pro-life
groups uncover how the Obama administration planned to fund abortions in new
high risk health insurance programs created by the new federal health care program,
Republicans in Ohio have asked Gov. Ted Strickland to make sure there is no

Ohio s
Republican congressional delegate today wrote a letter to Strickland asking
him to ensure Ohio does not go down the same road as Pennsylvania,
and Maryland.

The National
Right to Life Committee
how those three states planned to use federal taxpayer dollars for abortions,
and now the Obama administration has promised that will not happen.

The signers
the new promise
to make sure the high risk pools cover only abortions allowed under the Hyde

since the amendment does not apply to the new health care program Obama signed
into law, they asked for Strickland to make sure Ohio doesn’t fund abortions
since their is no formal prohibition of it in place federally.
Full story at

Planned Parenthood Should be Subject to State Audit, Pro-Life Group Says

Moines, IA ( — Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, an abortion
business that does abortions in Iowa using the controversial tele-medicine procedure,
should be subject to a state audit. That’s the formal request the pro-life group
Operation Rescue made with Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller.

With the
organization giving women the dangerous RU 486 (mifepristone) abortion drug
via a telemed process with no physician present, OR has alleged for months that
PPH is putting women’s health at risk.

Now, on
the heels of a May federal Governmental Accounting Office report showing $2.3
billion dollars in taxpayer money has been doled out to Planned Parenthood organizations
nationwide from 2002-2008, Planned Parenthood’s own financial reports show that
only $657.1 million has been spent, leaving 1.8 billion dollars in tax funds
not accounted for in its reports.

Parenthood of the Heartland, based in Des Moines, has been the recipient of
Title X funds as well as money from other federal programs. Thousands of tax
dollars have been disbursed directly to PPH through the Iowa Attorney General’s
office, and OR president Troy Newman suggests some of the missing money could
be headed to PPH.
Full story at

Voters Could Replace Pro-Abortion Senator Patty Murray, Poll Shows

WA ( — Voters in Washington state are apparently open to the
idea of replacing longtime pro-abortion Sen. Patty Murrary. The results of a
Rasmussen Reports poll released Friday shows Washington clearly belongs in the
list of 10-12 states that have the potential to put pro-life advocates in charge
of the Senate.

Senate race looks increasingly like a referendum on incumbent Democrat Patty
Murray," pollster Scott Rasmussen says.

That’s because
the poll found both Republican hopefuls Dino Rossi and Clint Didier earn the
support of 48 percent of voters compared with 45 percent for Murray. Less than
10% of voters in both cases prefer some other candidate in the race or are undecided.

In June,
Murray and Rossi, who is pro-life, were tied as they have been in virtually
every survey this year. Since the beginning of the year, Murray has earned 46%
to 48% of the vote, while Rossi’s support has ranged from 46% to 49%.

says those numbers showing Murray falling short of 50 percent should present
her campaign significant concerns.
Full story at

News: University, Victoria, Oklahoma, Alaska, Abortion, Austin, Texas

of Victoria Pro-Life Student group Gets Concession From Student Union
British Columbia ( —

The University of Victoria Students Society has resolved a dispute with
Youth Protecting Youth, a campus pro-life group. in May, YPY filed a lawsuit
in the British Columbia, Canada Supreme Court against the student union saying
its members faced discrimination and censorship.

Judge Extends Order Prohibiting Enforcement of New Ultrasound Law
City, OK ( —

A judge has extended an order that prohibits the enforcement of the new Oklahoma
law that would allow women a chance to see an ultrasound of their unborn child
before an abortion.

Governor: Pro-Life Sean Parnell Leads Democrat Ethan Berkowitz
AK ( —

The Republicans have it for now, with the three leading GOP candidates remaining
well ahead of both Democratic hopefuls in the Alaska governor race.

Texas Bus Driver Lost Job After Refusing to Take Woman for Abortion
TX ( —

A former bus driver has sued the Capital Area Rural Transportation System, charging
that the nine-county transit service discriminated against him based on his
religion when he was fired for refusing to drive women to a Planned Parenthood
clinic in January for an abortion.

Full story at

Friends to Sign Up for Free Pro-Life News From


Mary Vitamin for July 19th
Topic: Our Lady was not bored
John Paul II
One can certainly say that for Mary life in Nazareth was not dominated by monotony.
John Paul II explains
Mary’s awareness that she was carrying out a task entrusted to her by God gave a higher meaning to her daily life. The simple, humble chores of everyday life took on special value in her eyes, since she performed them as a service to Christ’s mission. (#2) Communion of life with Jesus in the house of Nazareth led Mary not only to advance in her pilgrimage of faith (Lumen gentium, n. 58), but also in hope. This virtue, cultivated and sustained by her memory of the Annunciation and of Simeon’s words, embraced the whole span of her earthly life, but was practiced especially during the 30 years of silence and hiddeness spent in Nazareth. (#4)"



During monotonous work, I will try to imitate Our Lady by keeping my  mind on the Annunciation and the virtue of hope based on Simeon’s words:
Behold this child is set for the fall, and for the resurrection of many in Israel, and for a sign which shall be contradicted;  And thy own soul a
sword shall pierce, that, out of many hearts, thoughts may be revealed.
 Marian Vow:
St. Josemaria Escriva
When you started your ordinary work again, something like
a groan of complain escaped you: "It’s always the same!’ And I told you: "Yes, it’s always the same." But that ordinary job which is the same one your fellow workers do has to be a constant prayer for you. It has the same loveable words, but a different tune each day.
I give this resolution to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Thanks be to God for graces received.


Fr. Frank Pavone
National Director, Priests for Life

week, the pro-life movement makes history. Dr. Alveda King, niece of Martin
Luther King, Jr., Black leaders from around the country, and the Pastoral
Team of Priests for Life will lead the nation’s first Freedom Rides
for the Unborn. With the full support of the Catholic bishop of Birmingham
and local pastors of other denominations, a rally and prayer vigil will
take place, followed by the ride to Atlanta and a prayer service at Dr.
King’s tomb.

Along with the ride, which is a symbol of the
movement advancing to the goal of equal protection for the children in the
womb, this event is an opportunity for pro-life people to declare
themselves “Freedom Riders for the Unborn” by participating in
simultaneous activities nationwide. These activities are the start of the initiative of Priests for Life. People who commit
to do these activities will receive a Freedom Rides button and access to
ongoing training in the activities that are listed. An online Pro-Life
University (to be located at is in the works in
conjunction with the 10-step plan.

In the context of the Freedom
Rides, Priests for Life is also releasing the results of focus group work
and national polling which it commissioned “the polling company/Woman
Trend” to carry out this Spring. This research probed the attitudes
of African-Americans toward abortion and the best pro-life messaging for
that community.

The Freedom Rides will also mark the release of
an anthem for the pro-life movement. Just as the Civil Rights movement used
“We Shall Overcome” to express its heart and soul, so the
pro-life movement now has a simple but moving song, “The Least of
These,” written by a well-established Christian music artist, who has
captured the essence of pro-life activism in all its variety. You can
listen to the song at
This week, let’s recommit ourselves to “proclaim
liberty to the captives,” and to set the unborn free from

Jamie Owens Collins

We will pray for the least of these
For the child in the womb, we
fall down on our knees
We will pray for the least of these
To be
loved and accepted
Safe and protected
We will pray for the least
of these 

We will speak for the least of these
A voice for the voiceless,
the babe no one sees
We will speak for the least of these
eyes may be opened
Hard hearts may be broken
We will speak for
the least of these

We will stand for the least of these
We will reach out our hands
to their parents in need
We will stand for the least of these
Bring help to the helpless
Hope to the hopeless
We will stand
for the least of these
To be loved and accepted
Safe and
That eyes may be opened
Hard hearts may be broken
We will stand for the least of these
We will stand for the
least…. of these  

©2009 Fairhill Music,

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August 25, 1994

Pray for Newsletter for Priests, Shepherds of Christ

Messenger:    The most pleasing sacrifice to the Father is the precious Body and Blood of Christ. When the priest, who represents Christ, offers the sacrifice to the Father, we are giving ourselves also as a sacrifice to the Father.

    Many prayers could be magnified everyday if people offered up their lives with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. When you live your daily lives according to the will of the Father and offer them up to Him, with all the Masses being said around the world — this is such a powerful prayer!

Jesus speaks:    I ask you to pray for the success of My Priestly Newsletter, Shepherds of Christ. I am the Good Shepherd, I know Mine and they follow Me. I want to draw all My precious ones so close to My Heart.

    My Heart is ablaze for the love of each and every soul. I love each child so tenderly. I want to spread this burning love to My beloved ones, through My specially anointed priests.

    When the love of My Sacred Heart shines from the hearts of all, the world will be set aglow with My love. I have spoken directly to Fr. Carter in this Newsletter, in a special way, to spread My love to My beloved anointed priests.

    Offer your days in union with the Mass being offered throughout the world for the success of the Newsletter. Pray for the priests who receive this Newsletter that their hearts will be open and they will hear the voice of God speaking to them.

    Oh, children, I love each soul — I would die this very day for each one! Please pray for your brothers. Do not waste one valuable moment of your day. Offer each moment up as a prayer to your heavenly Father through My Body and Blood being offered in the Masses around the world. Souls will be lost forever. Many souls do not know My most precious love. Pray for the priests. One priest can touch so many of My beloved ones, or one priest can lead so many astray.

    Please pray for this endeavor. I am your precious Jesus, on fire for love of you this day!